Opinion: Abela’s biggest threat
Robert Abela can’t hide his authoritarian instincts. He was
Ministries spending hundreds of thousands to manipulate press reports
Government ministries are spending hundreds of thousands of euro
Rights groups call on MEPs to end ‘abuse of state funds for clientelist media’
With independent media under growing economic and political pressure
MEPs in Malta – box-ticking can’t hide the reality
If we were to list the tasks Malta was
Maltese reporter abandons Russian news agency over Ukraine war
Former Lovin Malta reporter Sam Vassallo’s brief position at
Our commitment to transparency: financial statement for 2020
We retain our commitment to transparency as a community-funded
OSCE: Toxic masculinity leads to rising attacks on female journalists
While both men and women in journalism and politics
EU member states approve resolution to support independent, local, and transparent media
On Tuesday 19 October, the European Parliament adopted a resolution
‘High risk’ threats to media pluralism in Malta highlighted in report
The Shift’s efforts to ensure financial transparency by disclosing
‘Serious challenges’ remain in Malta’s rule of law efforts, despite reforms
Despite Prime Minister Robert Abela’s claims that the European
Red herrings and smokescreens
A couple of days ago, after the news broke
620 attacks on journalists during pandemic signals worsening global climate for the press
The COVID-19 pandemic proved to be a significant challenge
The democracy of knowledge
If you have never read Alexis de Tocqueville’s ‘Democracy
Decree in Yorgen Fenech case has chilling effect on freedom of expression
Last Monday’s decree handed down by magistrate Rachel Montebello
‘No EU funds for government-controlled media or political propaganda’ – MEPs
Media freedom in Europe has declined MEPs deplore harassment
‘Je suis Charlie’ my foot
It is with great dismay that The Shift team
A Mission to Inform: Book features one last recorded interview of assassinated journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia
Pressure and harassment against journalists continue to limit the
European Parliament to award Daphne Caruana Galizia prize for journalism
The European Parliament will be awarding The Daphne Caruana
Breaking news shouldn’t break us
“It is institutions that help preserve decency. They need
The corrupt, the greedy and the dupes
We now know how the public broadcaster, PBS, colluded
Trouble with the truth
Every time new findings are exposed and the authorities
Broadcasting Authority ruling makes perverse situation worse
A ruling by the Broadcasting Authority (BA) this week
New media law is good news for Maltese public
An amendment floated on Monday by Minister Carmelo Abela
Věra Jourová stresses importance of journalism amid COVID-19 ‘infodemic’
The unprecedented “infodemic” that emerged during the pandemic has
Over 20 press freedom NGOs present rule of law recommendations to Commission
The European Commission must effectively capture the challenges that
Calls for Keith Schembri’s resignation after withdrawal of libel case on 17 Black
The Opposition and civil society organisations have called for
Breaking their rules – Megan Mallia
Guest commentary by Megan Mallia, niece of assassinated journalist
WATCH: When the State whips up a cycle of hate against its critics
Daphne Caruana Galizia had been a target of hate

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