Opinion: empty boasts
Silvio Schembri bragged on Facebook: “Official EU statistics published
Hunter caught shooting down protected species
A hunter was caught red-handed on Sunday morning after
Keith Schembri ‘founder’ of unregistered charity raking in donations
Led Zeppelin’s ‘Stairway to Heaven’ starts playing as you
Council of Europe issues anti-SLAPP law recommendations
The Council of Europe has issued recommendations for the
Cassola slams ‘partisan’ school visit, calls for ombudsman investigation
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. The Office of the Ombudsman
Developers association president adds extra floor to Gzira block
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. The president of the Malta
Msida social housing promised by 2021 inaugurated, €3 million over budget
A social housing apartment block in Msida was inaugurated
Industry sources say ITS skills pass is nothing but an ‘election gimmick’
Tourism industry insiders are describing the government’s latest initiative
‘Prioritise common good’: NGOs raise alarm on potential Qajjenza land grab
NGOs have called on Energy Minister Miriam Dalli to
Health conditions worse for those facing poverty and exclusion – NSO
The well-being of persons considered at risk of poverty
Minister mum on result of studies from bird trapping ‘research’
Minister Clint Camilleri and the government’s Wild Birds Regulation
Tourism spending down 2.3% despite 2023 record numbers
Major players in the tourism industry are increasingly worried
Malta company linked to hospitals deal and payments to Muscat to be struck off
Accutor Ltd, the Maltese offshoot of a Swiss company
NGOs denounce lack of transparency, pinkwashing on €2.5 million EuroPride
Seven NGOs forming part of the LGBTIQ Consultative Council
Disgraced former permanent secretary handed €80,000 a year contract
Frank Fabri, the disgraced former permanent secretary appointed CEO
Heritage watchdog’s go-ahead for Manoel Island development given despite concerns
The Superintendence of Cultural Heritage (SCH) overlooked important considerations
Government Gazette embroils lawyer in €140,000 direct order he never received
The Government Gazette has published details of a €140,000
From sheep to goats – Gozo’s ‘suspicious’ farms rise to 633
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. The number of sheep and
Appeal filed in court against €600 million Magħtab incinerator tender
Multinational consortium Hitachi-Terna has contested the award of a
Decision on Manoel Island development postponed following UNESCO concerns
The Planning Authority has postponed its decision on whether
Judicial protest filed by whistleblower alleges social benefits racket cover up
A judicial protest claiming a coordinated cover-up by the
PAC investigation into Electrogas report diluted, drawn out with unrelated witnesses
An investigation into the contracts awarded as part of
Malta’s money laundering prosecutions spiked during greylisting, PQ confirms
Maltese courts saw a surge of money laundering and
Former transport minister confirmed as ambassador despite concerns
Former Transport Minister Aaron Farrugia has been appointed ambassador
Gozo hospital left ill-equipped by Steward resorts to mobile MRI machine
The Gozo General Hospital is operating a mobile Magnetic
Local Council joins eight NGOs in objecting to proposed Xemxija tower
The St Paul’s Bay Local Council along with a
Police officers resigning at increasing rate
Police officers are resigning from the Malta Police Force
Ousted minister’s ‘consolation’ job breaches ethics guidelines – PN
Former transport minister Aaron Farrugia’s nomination as Malta’s emissary
Disinformation Watch: Framing the Sofia public inquiry narrative
Following the publication of the Jean Paul Sofia public

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