Fenech told police Keith Schembri hatched the plan for Daphne’s murder
Yorgen Fenech, the accused mastermind in the assassination of
Some are more equal than others
Someone committed perjury in Malta but no one’s been
Doctor’s testimony contradicts what Keith Schembri told court
The version of events given by the Fenech family
The Shift and Justice for Journalists Foundation launch weekly roundup of Caruana Galizia case
Together with the London-based NGO Justice for Journalists Foundation
Edward Scicluna speaks of struggle with Projects Malta for information on VGH
Finance Minister Edward Scicluna on Wednesday spoke of his
Anatomy of collusion
Evarist Bartolo, the foreign minister, has drawn stiff criticism
‘Lost’ hospitals’ MOU found at Malta Enterprise, despite Kurt Farrugia’s denials
Declarations made earlier by Kurt Farrugia, CEO of Malta
An epidemic of collective amnesia
Malta is suffering from an epidemic of collective amnesia.
MFSA awards Keith Schembri’s company €40,000 contract for paper
Kasco Limited, the company owned by former government chief
Taxpayers billed €300,000 for luxury travel by chief passport salesman
Maltese taxpayers were billed almost €300,000 for first class
The case of the missing memo
Things disappear in Malta. The island is prey to
Report shines light on Dubai’s role in facilitating global illicit financial flows
A new, extensive report by the US think tank
Everyone’s digging their heels in
Deny, deny, deny. And when the clock runs out
Montenegro and the unspoken threat
There was public outrage when the finance minister, Edward
It’s time for Peter Grech to go
The former Head of the economic crimes unit has
No OPM records of meetings between Yorgen Fenech and Joseph Muscat
The Daphne Caruana Galiza Foundation expressed concern at the
Former Economic Crimes Unit chief admits to police inaction on scandals
The second testimony of Ian Abdilla, the former head
Mizzi was always expendable
Another domino has fallen, but it’s too soon to
Court dismisses case against Gafa’s extra overtime pay on technicality
Neville Gafa’ has won a legal battle to keep
The truth and other lies
The truth will out, Keith Schembri promised his adoring
Schembri’s ‘much-awaited truth’ testimony just a smokescreen
The bold statement made by the former chief of
Protesters pick up again their call for justice for Daphne and the truth
People took to the streets of Valletta once again
The writing on the wall
A friend forwarded me a clip of Eddie Fenech
It’s time for Europol to intervene
The brutal killing of Daphne Caruana Galizia will not
It looks bad because it is bad
“It looks bad, but it’s not.” So said Edward
State witness was ‘living in fear’ of being the scapegoat in journalist’s murder
The burden of his involvement in the murder of
Whitewashing reputations
Let nobody say that former prime minister Joseph Muscat

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