NGOs are doing what the EU is unwilling to do
We live in an upside down world. Take Malta,
Your guide to dismantling a democracy
It is becoming increasingly evident for those of us
‘There is no migration crisis, there is a political crisis’ – EUCO
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat did not stop to explain
‘Blockchain Island’ minister Silvio Schembri got spoofed… twice
Digital economy minister Silvio Schembri, known for his over-enthusiastic
Confidential, you say?
I’m not proposing here to discuss whether Judge Scerri
Joseph Muscat turns his back on Labour online hate groups
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said on Monday evening in
Malta and Azerbaijan: A sordid love affair
Just when everyone thought that the Panama Papers were
‘Withdraw warrants of Brian Tonna and Karl Cini’ – MEP David Casa
The Accountancy Board should convene a disciplinary committee to
The two Trumps of the Mediterranean
On the eve of a meeting between EU leaders
Socialist MEP slams European Commission’s response to medical visas scandals
Socialist MEP Ana Gomes criticised the European Commission’s (EC)
Prime Minister dodges questions, remains member of online hate groups
The Prime Minister avoided telling Parliament he remains a
Aquarius crisis reignites cross-party racism
Last week’s diplomatic row between Italian interior minister Matteo
Activists plant ‘Tree of Justice’ outside Prime Minister’s office
A ‘Tree of Justice’ was planted outside the Prime
We cannot be silenced
Eight months ago the country was shocked by the
Singapore in the Mediterranean: it may be closer than you think
Muscat’s metropolitan dream frequently emerges in statements expressing his
The Shoreline: Luxury living, unparalleled views, curious happenings
Rushed changes to planning laws to accommodate the residential
Thank you for hating
How often have you, as a Facebook user logged
The dawn of the age of Aquarius
Malta’s prime minister Joseph Muscat and Italy’s home affairs
MEP report slams lack of action by police
MEPs investigating the rule of law in Malta were
Muscat and Salvini cut from the same cloth 
New Spanish Socialist prime minister Pedro Sanchez has done
Keeping up appearances
For decades, cartoonists and street artists have exaggerated the
Malta in a nutshell: Isolation and its heroes
The easiest way to build a hero is to
Disinformation Watch #5: Government surplus, information deficit
It has become impossible to talk about the economy
Pilatus whistleblower claims Azeri billionaire is behind 17 Black
Pilatus Bank whistleblower Maria Efimova has claimed that Manouchehr
The secretive world of Cambridge Analytica (and Labour) 
The connections between Joseph Muscat’s Labour Party, Cambridge Analytica
Is the Nationalist Party enabling Labour’s corruption?
Foreign Affairs Minister Carmelo Abela instructed public employees to
Burying the inconvenient truth
Magistrate Anthony Vella, in charge of the inquiry into
No Eddie, No Joseph
If an election were to be held tomorrow, Joseph

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