XNT (Exante) and FIAU cuddling up, really
As Malta is battling the possibility of making it
NAO report shows ‘usual suspects’ involved in hospitals’ scandal
Disgraced former Minister Konrad Mizzi’s ‘friends’, consultant David Galea,
Montenegro and the unspoken threat
There was public outrage when the finance minister, Edward
Support for EUobserver after being threatened for Caruana Galizia article
Political activist and financier Bill Browder has put his
It’s time for Peter Grech to go
The former Head of the economic crimes unit has
Former Economic Crimes Unit chief admits to police inaction on scandals
The second testimony of Ian Abdilla, the former head
Dear Joe, we’ve seen this before
“The whole bunch of them should resign en masse.
Labour’s Church of Victimology
“Don’t blame the victim”. Finance Minister Edward Scicluna’s comments
Robert Abela rewrites history
Only one mistake, eh? For Robert Abela that is
Mizzi was always expendable
Another domino has fallen, but it’s too soon to
Montenegro MP challenges government to swear it had nothing to do with Caruana Galizia murder
An Opposition Leader in Montenegro’s Parliament has challenged his
The truth and other lies
The truth will out, Keith Schembri promised his adoring
Schembri’s ‘much-awaited truth’ testimony just a smokescreen
The bold statement made by the former chief of
Labour’s moral compass
At 5am this morning, Evarist Bartolo uploaded another post
Action demanded on corrupt Montenegro deal
The Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation has reiterated its call
It’s time for Europol to intervene
The brutal killing of Daphne Caruana Galizia will not
The woman who will not be forgotten
As each testimony in the ongoing court trial on
The kink in the armour
Government ministers have a new buzzword. They tell us
It looks bad because it is bad
“It looks bad, but it’s not.” So said Edward
Joseph Dirige Nos
White smoke is billowing out from the police headquarters
EU Public Prosecutor’s Office risks delay because Maltese government ‘seeking loyalists’ – report
The recruitment standards in selecting candidates for the new
Whitewashing reputations
Let nobody say that former prime minister Joseph Muscat
Why is Cardona still walking around?
The Deputy Leader of the Labour Party is accused
€6 million in direct orders from the Prime Minister’s Office in 3 years
The Office of the Prime Minister dished out close
Empty words and technicalities
“No thanks, we’ve already got some.” That was the
‘No documents’ on any perks, positions for Joseph and Michelle Muscat – OPM
The government has rejected a Freedom of Information (FOI)
US congressman uses meeting with Muscat as alibi in CNN case
Republican US congressman Devin Nunes is using a 2018
Joseph Muscat joins think tank funded by Azerbaijani government
Disgraced former Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has become
What are they so desperate to hide?
Someone sure doesn’t want Joseph Muscat’s resignation letter to
The war chest is empty
It would be interesting to know how much money,

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