Opinion: Labour’s escape route for criminals
Just before Christmas, the government rushed through parliament a
Changes to asset freeze law divide legal opinion
Recently proposed changes to economic crime laws related to
Livin’ (at) large in Dubai
Ahh, to be young and free in Dubai, especially
The grey list is getting greyer
Malta is a world leader in setting standards for
Planning board member doubles as director of sales for Exante
A member of the Planning Authority’s (PA) planning board
FIAU slaps gambling operator with €387,000 fine, 14 regulations breached
Remote gaming operator Online Amusement Solution Ltd was slapped
Underwhelming Asset Recovery Bureau has seized just €18,000 since 2020
The Asset Recovery Bureau (ARB), initially set up in
Alleged fraudster’s ship servicing company never submitted audited accounts
Updated to include a response from the MFSA. Multinational
Alarm raised over Lottoland’s interest in Malta’s National Lotteries bid
Serious concerns are being raised among Maltese financial services
Financial authorities’ handling of Pilatus Bank leads to international dispute
The infamous Pilatus Bank has received renewed scrutiny throughout
Cash-for-passports watchdog eight months late on annual report
The government-appointed cash-for-passports watchdog has missed the publication deadline
UK redlisting: ‘dangerous’ for the economy, ‘weak’ PM must take action
Malta has been slammed with the UK’s red-listing and
Expanded list of Maltese PEPs extends scrutiny to much larger pool of connections
The conduct of the personal financial affairs of many
Representatives of financial services firm Zenith (formerly MFSP) face money laundering charges
Lorraine Falzon and Matthew Pace from Zenith (formerly MFSP),
Why fix what you can hide?
In their latest attempt to make things look better
Economic uncertainty ‘a breeding ground for fraud and financial crime’
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented challenges in the
Identity Malta says Mustafa Abdel Wadood’s citizenship will be revoked
Identity Malta has confirmed that the process for the
No answers on what Malta is doing with Mustafa Abdel Wadood 
Identity Malta and the Maltese embassy in the US
Identity Malta mum on whether ‘Maltese man’ arrested in US could lose citizenship
Identity Malta has refused to say whether it would
MEPs vote for change in ‘tax haven’ Malta, phasing out of cash for passports
The European Parliament voted in favour of measures proposed
When crime pays
Justice Minister Owen Bonnici put to lie Finance Minister
‘Steer clear of Malta’ investors told at international conference on financial crime
Strong collaboration between countries was closing the net on
Disinformation Watch #17: Crime, corruption and Edward Scicluna’s fantasies
Finance Minister Edward Scicluna is under fire for his

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