How state broadcaster, party-owned media shape Malta’s COVID-19 narrative
Malta’s unique media landscape has equipped the government with
Disinformation watch: back to basics
Having failed to silence their most vocal critic, Russian
Disinformation hit list 2020
The disinformation that accompanied the pandemic was used in
The wrong of rudeness: Mercieca’s meanness
Simon Mercieca, University history lecturer, publicly accused Matthew Caruana
Data for dirty tricks
We were doing so well. When Malta first introduced
Stock replies bingo 
When former prime minister Joseph Muscat was asked to
Government boasts of ‘biggest fuel price fall ever recorded’ despite EU disparity
The government was quick to promote its new measure
Věra Jourová stresses importance of journalism amid COVID-19 ‘infodemic’
The unprecedented “infodemic” that emerged during the pandemic has
Wash, rinse, repeat
When The Shift started monitoring government disinformation tactics in
The migration issue: the complexities left out of Bartolo’s pie charts
Days after the closure of Malta’s ports resulted in
Coronavirus: understanding fact from fiction
The International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) together with a number
Keith Schembri has a fake newspaper
We each respond to a raging pandemic in our
Keeping our eyes on the ball: human rights in the time of COVID-19
Guest op-ed from IFEX Executive Director, Annie Game. For
Twitter removes 20,000 fake accounts linked to government propaganda
On the 2 April, Twitter announced via one of
Reporters Without Borders to track coronavirus disinformation
International press freedom NGO Reporters Without Borders (RSF) launched
Disinformation: consolation and catastrophe during coronavirus
As COVID-19 headlines continue to dominate news cycles, pro-Kremlin
The ugly behind the pretty: How disinformation is thriving on Instagram
The creation and spread of false or deliberately misleading
When conspiracy theories boom(erang)
Uncertainty is almost always unsettling and trying to keep
The weaponisation of information
Glenn Bedingfield’s testimony before the public inquiry Board today
Public Inquiry Board warns PM’s staff: ‘We’re troubled by your lack of credibility’
The credibility of Nigel Vella, the Deputy Head of
State-sponsored trolling continued even after Caruana Galizia’s death
Malta was one of the few countries where State-sponsored
‘Our democracy will be lost if we are indifferent’ – Věra Jourová
The lack of transparency in political advertising and the
Online misinformation growing through Facebook & Whatsapp
The spread of misinformation often takes place via groups
Potholes and the government meme machine
A hole is not a hole in the upside-down
Malta one of 70 countries using organised social media manipulation campaigns
Malta is one of 70 countries having used organised
Killing freedom, one pawn at a time
Mark Anthony Falzon insists that press freedom in Malta
Propaganda, disinformation and social media limiting democracy – EP report
Concerted propaganda and disinformation campaigns are limiting democracy, human
WATCH: When the State whips up a cycle of hate against its critics
Daphne Caruana Galizia had been a target of hate
International Journalism Festival: Disinformation and censorship in Malta
Disinformation, hate speech, censorship and a host of other
Links between Cambridge Analytica, Henley & Partners and Labour Party noted by UK Parliamentary Committee
The UK Parliamentary Committee for Digital, Culture, Media and

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