How the EU tried to bolster its fight against disinformation ahead of EP elections
As European citizens prepare to vote in the upcoming
Opinion: Just another Labour weapon
Just imagine if the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the
Better transparency and accountability in political advertising in new EU rules
New advertising rules adopted by the European Parliament on
Disinformation one of the biggest threats to democracies in 2024 – WEF Report
Emotionally charged language, personal attacks, false comparisons, and deliberate
70% of Maltese get news from social media, highest in EU
Malta has the highest rate in the EU of
House of mirrors: Vitals, Ciantar and disinformation
The noise surrounding allegations against Carmen Ciantar, coupled with
Labour is to blame for Muscat’s threats – Kevin Cassar
As awful as it was, Joseph Muscat’s interview with
Social media experiment shows promise in the fight against misinformation
Emotionally charged language, personal attacks, false comparisons, and deliberate
Time to bin the ‘serenity’ and ‘peace of mind’ clichés
The survey published by US analytics company Gallup that
Scrutiny as ‘attack’: Propaganda’s warped perspective
The reaction by party propagandists to The Shift’s report
News that’s fit to print
Op-ed by Annie Game, Executive Director of IFEX, a
Condemning one’s own narrative
It was ultimately more surprising that a government spokesperson
Facebook’s woes continue as whistleblower goes public
Facebook’s stocks plunged by 5% yesterday following another devastating
Factory of lies
What’s happened to PN MP Karol Aquilina over the
Keeping things in check #5
The absurdities never stop, do they? From Robert Abela’s
Lethal disinformation
For disinformation to be effective, it needs to have
Disinformation Watch: Calling things by their proper name
The Shift has dedicated much space to the plethora
Keeping things in check #4
August is usually a slow month for most but
5 Covid-19 vaccine myths explained
Despite Malta’s successful vaccination rate against Covid-19, and the
Disinformation Watch: Fretting about the FATF
That the government was about to embark on a
UN: disinformation thrives where investigative journalism is constrained
States’ response to combating disinformation has been “problematic, inadequate,
Abusing the bereaved
Glenn Bedingfield, in his latest parliamentary streak of callousness,
Keeping things in check #3
Prime Minister Robert Abela and his “best in the
Manifesto magic
Every time Minister Carmelo Abela needs people to focus
Keeping things in check #2
We at The Shift were not exaggerating when we
Disinformation Watch: amplifying the absurd
It has been all of two weeks since the
Reporters Without Borders files lawsuit accusing Facebook of ‘deceptive commercial practices’
Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has taken legal action against
Keith Schembri’s disinformation
There was already a lot to unpack in Keith
New familiar patterns
The timing of the Conference for National Unity, held

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