REVEALED: Joseph Portelli’s project for 125 flats near international Important Bird Area in Gozo
The granting of a permit to Joseph Portelli’s partner
Abandoned explosives factory in Natura 2000 site proposed for tourism development
A large abandoned complex used in the 80s as
Dwejra development project: Indian tycoon’s family buys Maltese citizenship
Various family members of the Indian tycoon who bought
We could be anti-heroes
The end of this month brought with it the
Further irregularities come to light as PA prepares to approve development near historical windmill
The Planning Authority only put up a photomontage related
PA set to approve massive development in Xlendi despite over 100 objections
The Planning Authority batted away 121 letters of objection,
Gozo pool development leads to dismantling of recently renovated sports complex
A government project for an Olympic-size pool on a
A group of well-connected developers, lawyers, auditors behind Naxxar mega development
A group of very well-connected developers, top-notch lawyers, auditors
Chloe Portelli’s farmer permit to build store on scenic land stalled… for now
The Planning Commission has decided to suspend and postpone
Local council slams ‘deliberate inaction’ by PA on Joseph Portelli development
The Qala Local Council has slammed “the deliberate inaction”
Joseph Portelli behind three large developments set to ‘change the character of Xlendi forever’
Property magnate Joseph Portelli and his associates are behind
Naxxar local council to join residents opposing ODZ development proposed by one of its councillors
The Naxxar Local council will be joining residents in
Corinthia still to determine how many residences it will build in Għajn Tuffieħa
In a possible change to an earlier agreement, the
Architect given tender to supervise his clients on €9 million public project
Breaking with normal administrative procedures, Gozitan architect Alex Bigeni
New appeal filed against Minister Ian Borg’s pool permit in ODZ
Transport Minister Ian Borg and his wife Rachelle will
Thousands object for the third time to DB project despite lavish PR campaign
Over 4,400 objections have been submitted to the Planning
Fact-Check: DB Group’s PR offensive on City Centre project
A massive public relations campaign is presently underway by
Developers, architects say changes to PA applications can ‘curb abuse’
Changes to the Planning Authority’s (PA) development application that
Qala local council, NGO mount legal challenge against Joseph Portelli’s largest Gozo project
Legal proceedings initiated by the Qala Local Council and
Zurrieq ODZ development plans withdrawn by project architect
Updated with the withdrawal of the planning application by
Size of Chinese embassy doubles since initial plans
The size and safety of a Chinese embassy, planned
Surge in building permits given three-year grace period
A total of 18,518 development permits have been given
Gozo hotel application returns to Planning Directorate as architect alters design
The application for a four-storey hotel in Xagħra Square
Name of applicant for hotel in Gozo changed again before PA hearing
An application for a hotel in Xagħra square that
Residents ‘scared’ as hole appears in apartments after construction works
Updated to include Townsquare’s response. A Sliema resident who
Ballut Blocks defends controversial Fomm ir-Riħ development project in ODZ
Ballut Blocks has sent this statement as a Right
Leak of project development details in 2016 puts Gozo Minister in the spotlight
Updated to include response by architect Alexander Bigeni An

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