Eyebrows raised as minister’s wedding coincides with film awards set-up
Updated to include minister’s reaction Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo’s
Enforcement on Fortina lido issued after request to sanction
The Planning Authority issued an enforcement notice to halt
€72 million tender for long-promised ITS campus announced
A tender for the design and construction of the
Criminologist to evaluate iconic Evans Building multi-million-euro tender
Prime Minister Robert Abela has put a criminologist and
The country knows – Kevin Cassar
Silvio Schembri just gave away public land worth over
Graffitti ‘disappointed but pursuing further legal action’ after court ruling
The court decided against an appeal raised by eight
Tourism minister’s father, uncles, own water sports, ferry business with interests in Comino
The father and uncles of Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo,
Rebranded Projects Malta to pay €1 million to lease offices from AX Group
Updated to include reaction from AX Group Taxpayers are
The rules of the game
There was nothing illegal about it. At least not
Widespread condemnation for Ray Bezzina move to DB Group amid claims it threatens Party’s credibility
Large numbers of PN voters have expressed their outrage
New moves in court to fight DB project
Three Local Councils together with several organisations and residents
Din l-Art Helwa files objection to Marsaxlokk FC development proposal on public land
Heritage organisation Din l-Art Ħelwa (DLH) has filed an
Former and current MPs milked OPM for ‘legal services’ worth €426,000 since 2017
A parliamentary question published on Wednesday revealed that the
Planning Authority restricts access to public objections on its website, retracts decision
Updated to reflect the PA’s retraction of its decision
The scourge of twisted logic
A photo of what Xlendi will look like when
UPDATED: Adrian Delia takes on SVDP direct order recipient James Caterers as legal client
Updated to add Adrian Delia’s comments. Shortly after stepping
Government spent at least €89.2 million on questionable direct orders since July 2020
Just five of The Shift’s multiple investigations into government-issued
Planning travesties: residents’ and NGOs’ objections increase, but has anything changed?
Over the past few years, residents and environmental NGOs
Fearne’s ministry splashed out €60 million on direct orders in first half of this year
Deputy prime minister Chris Fearne’s health ministry has spent
Disinformation Watch: I’m not campaigning, you’re campaigning!
Eagle-eyed observers and those who monitor our politicians’ social
DB Group/James Caterers snapped up €6.2 million contract for COVID vaccination roll-out in April
Two of Malta’s wealthiest businessmen pocketed €6.2 million earlier
PM set to award new, multi-million euro direct order to DB Group/James Caterers
Prime Minister Robert Abela’s government is in the final
NGOs, local councils file crowdfunded appeal against DB Group’s Pembroke towers
After four years of appeals and demonstrations against DB
Pembroke sacrificed to the rule of degenerates
The Planning Authority’s decision to allow Silvio Debono’s DB
SVDP scandal: Top civil servants shun responsibility as PL, PN take no action
Top civil servants who pushed through the illegal 2017
St Vincent de Paul scandal: New deal increased cost to €327 million
The €274 million deal the government struck with DB
Here we go again
The time for platitudes is over. As yet another
PL, PN remain non-committal on termination of €274 million ‘illegal’ contract
Updated to include the PN statement issued immediately following
DB Group set to generate more profits with ‘downscaled’ ITS project
Plans submitted last December by DB Group show an
Government in ‘legal servitude to DB group’ for concession on former ITS site
Members of the real estate industry remain baffled by

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