KM Malta Airlines grounds pilot after The Shift’s revelations
Danica Theuma, a KM Malta Airlines pilot caught flying
Finance Minister again attempts to hide KM Malta chairman’s contract
Finance Minister Clyde Caruana is again attempting to hide
Government refuses to disclose KM Malta pilots and cabin crew contracts
Aqra bil-Malti. The contracts KM Malta Airlines signed with
New national airline imposes four-year wage freeze
Aqra bil-Malti All KM Malta Airlines employees, including former
REVEALED: Air Malta’s consultants got €80,000 a month pay rise after failing
Knighthood Global, the airline consultancy company contracted by the
Former minister appointed as Malta Development Bank chairman
Former Minister and veteran Labour Party MP Leo Brincat
Air Malta replacement faces complaints despite PM’s pledge for ‘better’ airline
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. KM Malta Airlines is already
Air Malta chairman replaced ahead of anticipated move to new airline
Philip von Brockdorff, a university professor already sitting on
Air Malta can’t explain ‘glitch’ causing junior minister’s flight ‘commotion’
Air Malta has refused to give information on the
Maltese government spent €800,000 a day on subsidies in 2022
During 2022, the Maltese government spent some €800,000 a
Transport, infrastructure suffer budget cuts despite persistent issues
Transport and Infrastructure Malta – the two major government
Air Malta’s ‘new’ consultants facing Alitalia bankruptcy charges in Rome
The owners of Knighthood Global Ltd – the Abu
Air Malta consultancy raises questions on ‘collusion’ to retain top management
Air Malta’s engagement of aviation consultancy firm Knighthood Global
Air Malta no longer accepts bookings it can’t fulfill following The Shift’s report
The Air Malta website no longer accepts travel bookings
21 new hotels approved in two years despite oversupply
Under Minister Clayton Bartolo’s political remit, the Malta Tourism
Air Malta taking bookings for flights that will never take off
Although it will be closed down, Air Malta, the
New airline will be different from Air Malta – European Commission
Tista’ taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti Despite attempts by the Maltese
Taxpayers to fork out €300 million as government closes Air Malta
The Maltese government is expected to announce the closure
Food price markups continue to top charts despite slowed inflation
The National Statistics Office confirmed that food prices remain
Food costs surge 11% in a year as general inflation falls
The price of food in Maltese supermarkets has risen
‘Another Mercury Towers’ as two 35-storey high rises planned for Qawra
Developer Joseph Portelli is planning “another Mercury Towers” project
First sessions of Sofia public inquiry confirm industry unknown to regulators
Friday saw the conclusion of the third session of
Et tu, Clyde? – Kevin Cassar
Clyde Caruana wrote to the Speaker of the House
Air Malta chairman’s contract under EU scrutiny for breach of state aid rules
A consultancy contract awarded to David Curmi by Finance
Clyde Caruana admits he misled parliament
In yet another letter to the Speaker of the
Finance and transport ministers report grossly inflated consultancy salaries
The finance ministry and the transport ministry have been
Court throws out UHM boss’ legal challenge against The Shift
The Court on Monday threw out a legal challenge
Budget 2023 propaganda: from €35 to €175,000 and still counting
Tens of thousands of euros in public funds have
Clyde Caruana won’t reveal Air Malta boss’s remuneration
Finance Minister Clyde Caruana is refusing to make public
Central bank governor paid an extra €12,000 a year for MFSA board meetings
Central Bank of Malta Governor Edward Scicluna is being

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