Environment Minister silent on ‘illegal’ works in Comino protected area
Environment Minister Aaron Farrugia has remained silent on the
Standards Commissioner asked to investigate Gozo Minister for illegal works in Comino
Arnold Cassola has asked the Standards Commissioner to launch
Architect responsible for illegal Comino works is a Labour Party official
The architect responsible for illegal works carried out by
Major public project supplied through illegal batching plant
Millions in taxes are being paid for hundreds of
Minister’s wife continues her private practice while appointed manager at Transport Malta
Transport Malta has set special working conditions for Deborah
Convent turned into Gozo Ministry offices by direct order
Dozens of employees at the Gozo Ministry have started
Anton Refalo dishes out €3.6 million in direct orders in first year in office
Veteran Labour Minister Anton Refalo has gone into overdrive
New ‘emergency’ permit for Gozo Sports Complex raises questions on abuse
The Gozo Ministry has obtained the Planning Authority’s swift
Gozo pool development leads to dismantling of recently renovated sports complex
A government project for an Olympic-size pool on a
Gozo Minister appoints his brother-in-law on government board
The appointment by Minister Clint Camilleri of his own
Old habits die hard in Gozo despite new Minister
Prime Minister Robert Abela’s latest weekend boast, that ‘his’
Gozitan heavyweights gifted €9 million public contract despite illegalities
A group of Gozitan businessmen, led by construction magnate
Agriculture Ministry turning Pitkalija into Gozo employment agency as election looms
A government-owned company responsible for the running of the
Hubert Saliba, mayor and minister’s aide, denies seeking discounts for daughter’s therapy
Embattled Xewkija mayor and Gozo Ministerial aide Hubert Saliba
Gozo’s Labour feud spills into community cleaning
A feud among Labour protagonists in Qala has intensified
€99,000 tender set to be awarded to architect for own clients’ project
The Gozo Ministry has found “no evidence of a
Architect given tender to supervise his clients on €9 million public project
Breaking with normal administrative procedures, Gozitan architect Alex Bigeni
Uncertainty increases for Gozitan elderly as minister fudges parliamentary reply
After refusing to disclose the contract with Downtown Hotel
Xewkija Square upgrade cost twice the price, increasing to over €1 million
A project to upgrade St John the Baptist Square
The first 100 days of Robert Abela
With the turning of the decade, the beginning of
European report highlights spike in deaths in Malta despite low mortality figures on coronavirus
Malta was mentioned by the European Centre for Disease
‘Gozo COVID-19 case could have been avoided if patients had been relocated’
Updated Wednesday 8 April with news that a 92-year-old
Poachers taking advantage of reduced police resources due to COVID-19
Poachers are “taking advantage of reduced police resources,” according
Reassigning hunting responsibilities an electoral boon to Gozo Minister
Although the idea of appointing a minister to be
Leak of project development details in 2016 puts Gozo Minister in the spotlight
Updated to include response by architect Alexander Bigeni An
Trapping ‘agreement’ reached with Commission questioned by Birdlife
BirdLife Malta has written to the European Commission for

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