Comino deckchair concessionaire now also ferry service shareholder
Daniel Refalo, one of the two concessionaires offering the
Comino deckchairs out again as minister’s plan remains shelved
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. As another summer approaches, three
Tourism minister’s family face penalty for running illegal carpark in Mellieħa
Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo’s family, including his father Joseph,
Government collecting Comino kiosk waste instead of private contractors
Waste generated by kiosks and food trucks at Blue
Comino concessions ‘commercially sensitive’ and cannot be made public
It is a strange situation when what is arguably
Ministerial U-turn gives Blue Lagoon deckchair exploiters another summer
Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo has made a massive U-turn
The year in review: Five of The Shift’s biggest stories in 2022
From Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February to rising
‘The battle will continue’: public joins Moviment Graffitti to continue fight for Blue Lagoon
Two months after their initial action to occupy the
PA at a loss on Comino illegalities, Gozo ministry applies for better access to illegal kiosks
The Planning Authority is refusing to explain why it
Holidays in hell
I’ll always remember my first visit to Comino. Don’t
One of Blue Lagoon’s deckchair operators was Gozo minister’s canvasser
Mark Cutajar, one of two licensed deckchair operators at
Tourism minister’s father, uncles, own water sports, ferry business with interests in Comino
The father and uncles of Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo,
The two deckchair operators at Blue Lagoon: Joseph Portelli’s associate and the brother of a Labour MEP
The associate of construction tycoon Joseph Portelli, Daniel Refalo,
Activists take back Comino’s Blue Lagoon, remove all deckchairs from beach
Moviment Graffitti activists cleared out deckchairs and umbrellas from
Environment Minister silent on ‘illegal’ works in Comino protected area
Environment Minister Aaron Farrugia has remained silent on the
Architect responsible for illegal Comino works is a Labour Party official
The architect responsible for illegal works carried out by

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