OPM grants release to disgraced MUMN boss after damning abuse findings
The Office of the Prime Minister has given its
PBS spend questioned, as veterans say figures make no sense
An analysis by The Shift of how PBS distributed
“Allegations are all lies” – FTS official
The Head of Human Resources at the Foundation for
Aggrieved FTS employees forced to backtrack on their complaint
Government employees working at the Foundation for Tomorrow Schools
Gozo ministry’s permanent secretary ‘habitually’ abusing procurement rules
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. Gozo’s Ministry Permanent Secretary John
Abela hits panic button amid overpopulation woes
Prime Minister Robert Abela has ordered a number of
Dalli silent while PL treasurer conducting side business from ARMS office
ARMS Ltd – the government’s utility billing company, has
Nurses’ union silent on position of disgraced President
Tista’ taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti The council of the Nurses’
ERA objects to work done on private property during Nadur road project
The Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) has told the
MEPs want answers on Malta’s migrant pushbacks, torture and EU funding
MEPs from the European Parliament’s Civil Liberties, Justice and
Only one PA enforcement notice on illegal dormitories for migrants
The Planning Authority has only one pending enforcement case
Vatican finds priest who created Ta’ Pinu mosaics sexually abused nuns
A Vatican investigation has concluded that prominent Slovenian Jesuit
FTS staff claim ‘discrimination, dictatorship’ at agency – minister fails to act
The Foundation for Tomorrow’s Schools (FTS) is riddled with
MCAST lecturer found guilty of abusive behaviour was promoted instead of sacked
Updated to include reactions from former MCAST Principal Stephen
Back in business
They’re back in business. It took only a few
Deeds not words
Prime minister Abela bragged, “We are not afraid of
On stupidity
“Having become a mindless tool, the stupid person will
Event organisers complaining about abuse of public funds ‘jealous’ – Gulia
Malta Tourism Authority chairman Gavin Gulia was bombarded by
New domestic violence commissioner walks into complex realities
The newly-appointed Commissioner for Gender-Based and Domestic Violence, Audrey
Calls for Keith Schembri’s resignation after withdrawal of libel case on 17 Black
The Opposition and civil society organisations have called for
On rights and abuse
In a video posted online on Saturday, Mario Portelli
Malta faces infringement proceedings on protection of women and children
The Maltese government is facing infringement proceedings for its
Theatre of the absurd
Patrick Dalli didn’t get the result he wanted in
Citizens still without remedy after massive breach of personal data
The fine of €5,000 imposed by the Data Protection
A toxic debate on abuse
Over the last couple of weeks, I have watched
It takes a society
If you’ve ever watched the 1948 Italian film “Bicycle
Female journalists, politicians get abusive tweets every 30 seconds
Female journalists and politicians were sent abusive or otherwise
Let’s call hypocrisy by its name
If one child starts bullying another child in a
The Shift News reacts to Speaker’s ruling
The ruling by Speaker Anglu Farrugia in Parliament yesterday

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