Passenger capacity on Gozo Channel vessel halved as leased ship is too old
A 35-year-old Greek vessel that Gozo Channel has been
A propagandist, not a pollster
On 30 October 2022, Vincent Marmara uploaded a post
National debt breaking records as deficit set to grow further next year
As the government continues to pump hundreds of thousands
€200,000 for a sculpture in a remote, uninhabited area of Gozo
The government intends to spend more than €200,000 for
Labour Party withdraws planning application with change of CEO
A planning application the Labour Party submitted last February
New cabinet recruits keep income under wraps despite code of ethics
Eight new cabinet members appointed by Prime Minister Robert
PM hides Russian rental income again – declares nosedive in savings, earnings
Good governance and transparency rules have once again been
Contractors bag extra €7m for Mriehel underpass, only to create new bottleneck
Commuters are complaining about the new, half-finished, underpass on
Konrad Mizzi’s protégé Aron Mifsud Bonnici still on tourism ministry payroll
The General Workers’ Union lawyer, who spent years as
L-Awtorità tal-Artijiet, lil sid il-pompa tal-petrol kontroversjali f’Manoel Island, tbigħlu propjetà prima
This article is available in English Qed joħorġu fil-beraħ
Lands Authority sells prime site to owner of controversial Manoel Island fuel station
Tista’ taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti More suspicious links continue
‘Privileged’ Labour Party employees get taxpayer help to buy first property
Tista’ taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti As rising real estate
Hour-long Special Olympics opening ceremony in Valletta cost €1.8 million
The opening ceremony of the Special Olympics Invitational Games
IM officials ‘getting rid of incriminating evidence’ before sleaze probe starts
Tista’ taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti Senior Infrastructure Malta (IM)
Heritage Malta €1.2m tender: result of extensions defying procurement rules
A direct order by Heritage Malta costing taxpayers some
German company to be given €1 million to repair its own shooting range work
The government is intending to spend almost €1 million
Gozo Channel using public funds to re-build property owned by chairman’s clients
Taxpayers are forking out more than half a million
Judges force prime minister to cancel cars tender slated for accused kidnapper
Pressure by several members of the judiciary, including senior
Il-ministru sieket hekk kif tikber is-sejħa biex il-pulizija jinvestigaw lil Infrastructure Malta
This article is available in English Il-ministru Aaron Farrugia,
Minister silent as pressure mounts to call in police to investigate Infrastructure Malta
Tista’ taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti The minister responsible for
Charlon Gouder refuses to explain his role in importing Nepalese cheap labour
Charlon Gouder, a former Labour Party reporter turned lawyer,
It’s too much work to be transparent, Lands Authority claims
The Lands Authority is insisting that it cannot provide
€10,000 bonanza: l-iskema tal-għajnuna legali mnedija mill-Awtorità tad-Djar mifqugħa bil-qraba u l-ħbieb tal-ministru
This article is available in English L-Awtorità tad-Djar ħolqot
€10k bonanza: Housing Authority legal aid scheme replete with ministers’ relatives and friends 
Tista’ taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti A Housing Authority scheme
Gzira’s fight against petrol station relocation to garden continues Thursday
Gzira Mayor Conrad Borg Manche’ is vowing to fight
More than half a million euros needed to repair new, hardly used shooting range
Barely four years since its inauguration, the new €14
Suitcases in the night
Frustrated citizens took to the streets again this week
Rabat road costs shoot up by €2.2 million
The construction of a new road in Rabat cost

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