‘Yorgen Fenech was hoping laptop would be given to Maltese police’
Middleman Melvin Theuma was concerned that his role in
Hope to despair: Human rights activist released only to be rearrested on different charges
International NGOs have strongly condemned the rearrest of Turkish
Neville Gafà and Keith Schembri spoke about everything and nothing at all
Neville Gafà justified his posts on social media targeting
Public Inquiry Board warns PM’s staff: ‘We’re troubled by your lack of credibility’
The credibility of Nigel Vella, the Deputy Head of
Two directors reappear as agents on IIP list
Updated to include the response from the company. Two
European Commission Vice President calls for full prosecution of politicians involved in journalists’ murders
European Commission Vice President Vera Jourova has called for
A leaner, more efficient parliament
A leaner Parliament with fewer ministers and parliamentary secretaries
Debunking statements made by OPM staff in a public inquiry
The public inquiry sitting on Monday focused on incidents
Chinese citizen journalist who shot viral video of coronavirus corpses ‘missing’
The citizen journalist who shattered the carefully crafted image
PM’s staff justifies call to eliminate journalists because they ’caused harm’
The testimonies of former Office of the Prime Minister
Reporters Without Borders petition against Julian Assange’s extradition to the US
International NGO Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has launched a
‘Rule of law requires strong institutions, active citizens, leaders who protect it’
“We cannot defend our values without the rule of
‘A radical and ridiculous change’
“You are born with the right to protest. Nobody
European Court of Human Rights rules against Malta in majority of cases
The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has ruled
‘And that is my mother’
For the first time in more than two years
Officials who target journalists should be individually sanctioned – Amal Clooney
Officials and prosecutors who arbitrarily detain journalists or impose
‘Ali Sadr used 5 different names, 2 dates of birth’ – US financial crime consultant
The owner of the now-defunct Pilatus Bank, Ali Sadr
Editor’s statement in response to DOI’s claims on press access
The government’s Department of Information has issued a statement
Keith Schembri ‘certainly’ knew in 2018 of Yorgen Fenech’s involvement in the murder – Theuma
The middleman involved in journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia’s assassination
French investigation into Yorgen Fenech’s assets welcomed
The investigation by France’s national prosecutor into the assets
State-sponsored trolling continued even after Caruana Galizia’s death
Malta was one of the few countries where State-sponsored
Electrogas shareholder presented power station plans to PN in 2009
Electrogas shareholder Paul Apap Bologna presented the Nationalist Party
Malta ‘popular’ destination for the Dos Santos business empire
Angolese billionaire Isabel dos Santos and her husband Sindika
Konrad Mizzi’s direct orders published more than a year late
A list of direct orders issued by Konrad Mizzi’s
‘No complaints’ about Keith Arnaud – Peter Caruana Galizia
Peter Caruana Galizia, the husband of assassinated journalist Daphne
European journalists highlight Malta’s press freedom alerts in report
Five press freedom alerts reported to the Council of
Cases of impunity for murder of journalists in Europe on the rise
Threats, harassment, imprisonment and the murder of journalists is
Reply to developer’s claims on Fomm ir-Riħ project: ‘Don’t muddy the waters’
The developer behind the controversial development proposed Outside Development
Ballut Blocks defends controversial Fomm ir-Riħ development project in ODZ
Ballut Blocks has sent this statement as a Right
Melvin Theuma felt ‘reeled in’ by Yorgen Fenech’s lavish gifts
A Rolex watch, paid trips abroad and a prized

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