Bread and circuses at Ta’ Qali
The Eurovision song contest may soon be grabbing more
How to fail as a State
It is easy to trip up over the details
Impunity reigns in the realm of ‘il-King’
Joseph Muscat hasn’t saved a cent in the past
Arriving late by bus, for free
The electoral campaigns are building up. All sides are
The real choices in the European Parliament election
The first leaders’ debate on TVM didn’t matter. We
Killing freedom, one pawn at a time
Mark Anthony Falzon insists that press freedom in Malta
The dusty road to the future
The dust and inconvenience of road works, traffic and
The judges go marching in
When the President swore in the three new judges
Land of contradictions
The United States has often been called the “land
Down the Gozo rabbit hole
It is impossible to support a road tunnel from
How to prove the Press Freedom Index wrong
So, this year’s World Press Freedom Index reports that
Democracy is not mob rule
What would you do if your electrician said it’s
Notre Dame in our backyard
The burning down of the cathedral of Notre Dame
Circus without nets
A unfortunate misunderstanding is haunting Europe. It just doesn’t
Too many errors of judgment
We’ve heard this line before: as long as nothing
A darkening horizon
Liberal critics of the current state of Maltese politics
The great pretenders
The walls are closing in on Malta — but
Housewives, witches and prostitutes in parliament
Malta’s six members of the European Parliament are perfectly
Are they really out to get us?
Malta sure has a lot of enemies for such
Politics of angry triumphalism
Should you today pay brief attention (I’d recommend it)
Throwing your vote away
The European parliamentary elections are fast approaching. Compared to
Dangerous liaisons and the news
A new Reformation is underway in Europe and North
Theatre of the absurd
Patrick Dalli didn’t get the result he wanted in
Why all the flowers go
Another vigil, another clean sweep of the flowers and
A Tale of Two Maltas
We’ve never had it so good. We’ve never had
Nothing to see here
According to Finance Minister Edward Scicluna, Malta’s financial services
Return of the Middle Ages
They are the best of times, they are the
The rise of the brazen lie
At some point over the last three years, a
Pravda in the Med
“The Party is always right.” At least, that’s what
Is this the future of Malta?
“We used to have picnics here,” the old man

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