Suppressing Dissent
Teachers following legitimate union directives were individually summoned to
Safety in Zombieland 
The first rule of Zombieland: zombies eat brains. If
SiGMA – raising the spectre of summer 2020
Robert Abela has some explaining to do. The prime
The magic of making the illegal legal
Well that wasn’t much of a surprise, was it?
Malta’s standards joke
“The vote on the Standards Commissioner report was a
Wrecking the PN’s chances
If the PN continues to ignore Bernard Grech’s weak
Immunity and impunity
‘Immunity’ has to be the word for 2021. The
Humpty Dumpty’s country
Around Europe, the patron saint of hunters is St
Malta’s house of horrors
“Christ forgave the bastards, but I can’t!” – Billy
Consulting fees or deferred bribes?
The police say they are investigating Joseph Muscat for
Coral Mizzi
Corals just look dead but they’re alive.  The most
Muscat’s diabolical legacy
As shamed ex-prime minister Joseph Muscat attempts to weather
Absolution by the masses
I find myself regularly returning to the subject of
Konrad’s antics make Labour the real loser
Konrad Mizzi finally appeared before the Parliamentary Accounts Committee
The scourge of twisted logic
A photo of what Xlendi will look like when
A congress of clowns
Konrad Mizzi is still running out the clock, this
Hard hearts
They didn’t like what she was reporting, didn’t like
The political apparatus of hate
When it comes to the latest democratic outrage by
Travesties of justice
A few days ago, Justice Minister Edward Zammit Lewis
Someone better wake up Alex Muscat
Alex Muscat is either fast asleep or seriously deluded,
A catalogue of human rights violations
“Malta’s government is in denial about the catalogue of
Generation expat
According to an old Greek saying, “A society grows
Steward’s turn of the screw
Robert Abela insistently asks voters: “Who do you want
Is Angelo Gafa above the law?
Former police commissioner Lawrence Cutajar threw away the rule
Malta’s child cruelty
The United Nations Committee on the rights of the
Jittery moves and election chatter
Rumours of a late November general election have exploded
Because she wrote
The four years that have passed since Daphne Caruana
Your vote: how to have it both ways
They’re at it again. The two major Parties are
Standards Down Under
“I have made it clear that if any of
Clyde Caruana’s magic faraway tree
Apologies to Enid Blyton. But listening to Clyde Caruana’s

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