Dumb and dumber
Former MEP Marlene Mizzi has long been knitting with
Yesterday marked the start of a new decade
There’s general agreement that, following the 2013 general election,
It’s only impossible until it’s done
This year, 2022, is Malta’s opportunity to prove that
Resolutions in the land of collusion
Plague Year Two ended in a haze of smoke
Other people
The world hit a record daily Covid cases on
His own mess
Why doesn’t Robert Abela clean his own mess? Justyne
A fairy-tale state
The face of justice. The far-seeing eyes of statesmen.
A Maltese Christmas carol
Last night, many of us celebrated Christmas Eve with
Clean up your act, or someone else will
The United States sent a clear message to Malta
Measure for measure
Consider this. In just one week three members of
How Joseph swindled the nation
“Funds provided by government to Vitals were being channelled
How to hire talent
Warren Buffett, the world’s most successful investor, has his
The secrets on Keith’s phone
Something’s afoot in the land of misrule. Again. (And
Is the prime minister protecting criminals?
It’s long past time for Prime Minister Abela to
Citizen Bogdanovic
There’s always going to be a Citizen Bogdanovic. It’s
Murder on his watch
The political assassination was the beginning of the end
Know your chickens
It is most unfair. Konrad Mizzi throws a long
Who took those photos?
Four days ago, in London, two Metropolitan Police officers
An epidemic of fiscal mismanagement
The latest report from the National Audit Office (NAO)
Black Boxes
I almost skipped writing an article this week. Arguments
On stupidity
“Having become a mindless tool, the stupid person will
Cheating the customs
‘It is not dishonest; rather a proof of cleverness
Bandwagon Dalli
Helena Dalli’s latest bungle as EU Equality Commissioner, necessitating
You have a right to look under their carpets
Economy Minister Silvio Schembri can’t seem to keep track
King Anġlu and the Republican Constitution
The Caribbean nation of Barbados became the world’s newest
The vandalism of distortion
“The PN has nothing to offer this country and
The happy hour economy
What’s the difference between friends and best friends? Friends
Robert Abela’s Catch-22
Robert Abela has threatened to take “all possible legal
Metsola for President? Activate rent-a-mob!
Later today, a meeting of the 178 MEPs of
The Electrogas hockey stick
The EU could end up helping accused murderer Yorgen

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