EP sends strong message on impunity afforded to high-level officials
European Parliament members have sent an unequivocal message to
European Parliament resolution calls for withdrawal of FOI appeals against The Shift
Members of the European Parliament are calling on the
The inversion of facts, one opinion piece at a time
When local experts or international entities speak out against
Government targets events commemorating Daphne Caruana Galizia’s assassination
While various events, both locally and abroad, are underway
‘Climate for freedom of information in Malta has deteriorated’ – RSF
The default position for Freedom of Information (FOI) should
Government waters down board of inquiry’s protection for journalists
Even after the government-appointed committee of media experts submitted
‘The more revelatory her reporting became, the more exposed she was’
On Monday 3 October, The Shift’s founder and Managing
Your Right to Know: The Shift, RSF and Daphne Foundation to debate FOI abuse
The Shift will be holding a public debate on
Prime minister urged to publish proposals for press freedom reform
The Shift has joined over a hundred individuals, including
Press freedom organisations welcome European Media Freedom Act but call for strengthening
Following the European Commission’s unveiling of the European Media
Malta registers nine media freedom violations in the first half of 2022
The government’s attempts to block access to information and
Impact of the EU Media Freedom Act on Malta’s landscape
A leaked copy of the draft Media Freedom Act
The destruction of the environment is unconstitutional
The public’s reaction to the government’s launch of a
‘The magistrate turned her guns on us’: Repubblika takes Pilatus case to Constitutional Court
Repubblika filed an application in the Constitutional Court arguing
Persistence pays
Despite the efforts the authorities devote to burying information
The curious case of those who know nothing
How many times must we witness the very people
More than half of businesses negatively impacted by inflation – MEA survey
More than half of local businesses are concerned about
Social media experiment shows promise in the fight against misinformation
Emotionally charged language, personal attacks, false comparisons, and deliberate
Disinformation watch: Populist statements that do not address the real issues
The statement by the opposition Nationalist Party’s home affairs
High time for parliament to go full time
Parliament’s 14th legislature, which started in May with Robert
Wanted: A leader to lead, starting yesterday
Our prime minister’s prolonged absence from public engagement is
The change we demand
One of the most revealing comments about Malta was
Time to bin the ‘serenity’ and ‘peace of mind’ clichés
The survey published by US analytics company Gallup that
Scrutiny as ‘attack’: Propaganda’s warped perspective
The reaction by party propagandists to The Shift’s report
Electoral Commission lacks political will, resources to regulate campaign financing – OSCE
Malta’s Electoral Commission cannot act as an effective regulator
Roberta Metsola urged to rein in tech lobbyists following Uber files revelations
German MEP Daniel Freund has asked European Parliament President
The Shift’s reporting ‘a matter of public interest done in the public interest’, court rules
The Shift’s founder and editor Caroline Muscat and Matthew
Press Freedom NGOs call for maximum punishment for Daphne Caruana Galizia killers
International press freedom organisations have called for the maximum
‘The extent of preventable loss of life and human suffering at international borders remains alarming’ – UN
The “regrettable trend” of the legitimisation of push-back practices

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