Malita CEO denies electoral fraud claims, files police report

The CEO of Malita Investments plc has filed a police complaint after being identified in court as one of the main instigators of electoral fraud and gerrymandering in Siggiewi, which is a criminal offence.

Malita Investments plc is a company where the government has a majority stake and invests in affordable housing. In a court ruling on Wednesday, Magistrate Donatella Frendo Dimech identified electoral fraud and gerrymandering.

The Magistrate found that the apartments in Siggiewi, Housing Minister Roderick Galdes’ constituency, were still uninhabitable.  Several individuals were coerced by government officials to make false declarations to have their ID cards transferred to the apartments so that they could vote in Siggiewi.

CEO Jennifer Falzon denied her involvement in changing the ID cards of several voters to make them eligible to vote in Siggiewi despite not living in the locality.

She told The Shift that she was not involved in such matters, contradicting evidence given under oath by Identity Malta officials.

Falzon insisted her only role in the debacle was to meet with individuals who had been promised housing units in Binja Silvio Parnis in Siggiewi. Her responsibility was to prepare the final lease deed and the transfer of utility meters for the unoccupied apartments.

“I confirm that both Malita and I strongly refute the allegations which appeared in yesterday’s news articles,” Falzon told The Shift.

She added, “I can confirm that a complaint was filed with the Police Commissioner yesterday with a request to investigate the matter. The Police Commissioner is also informed I would be available for a meeting to provide the Police with any information they may need.”

When asked to name the subject of her complaint, Falzon did not identify any specific official. She stated that the complaint was filed to have the police investigate whoever provided false testimony about Malita and her involvement.

According to the Court, Jennifer Falzon was one of the main perpetrators of this fraud. The Magistrate asked the police to investigate and take criminal action against all those involved.

Quoting evidence submitted under oath by Identity Malta officials, the Court said that changing the ID cards was initiated following a request made by Jennifer Falzon, the CEO of Malita Investments.

In Court, Identity Malta officials identified Jennifer Falzon as the one who ordered the change of ID Cards.

The Court also said that it was not true that changing ID cards was necessary to transfer electricity meters.

“The application in all cases was filed by the CEO of Malita Investments, specifically Jennifer Falzon,” the Court specified.

The Court also asked for criminal procedures to be initiated against one of the beneficiaries of these apartments, Brandon Attard, for giving false evidence in court. Several other court cases filed by the PN claiming gerrymandering are still ongoing.

In court, those promised an apartment were asked to lie under oath.

According to the Court, while Attard declared that he was living in the Siggiewi apartment, this was a lie as he had not even been given the apartment keys.

Malita board appointments

Falzon has been the CEO of the government’s financial vehicle related to social housing projects for several years. The former GO employee is an accountant and has held various roles at Malita plc.

Malita Investments is chaired by former Labour MEP Marlene Mizzi, who is paid €24,000 annually.  Its board includes Victor Carachi, the president of the General Workers Union, Miguel Borg, the former BOV Chief Risk Officer responsible for the Steward Healthcare €36 million loan, and Tania Brown, the former chief of staff of disgraced Central Bank Governor Edward Scicluna.

Minister Galdes nominated Johann Farrugia and Elaine Gauci to sit on the company’s board earlier this month.


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5 months ago

A Quango all dressed up to give jobs to semi educated gahans who want to be at the front of the trough, brownmouths every one of them.

Paul Grech
Paul Grech
5 months ago

PS – Jennifer Falzon is the partner of James Camenzuli: the government bureaucrat who green-lighted the Vitals deal, and is STILL a government executive…..1+1=3

5 months ago
Reply to  Paul Grech

Wkoll! Haha

5 months ago

I was going to say good luck in getting the PC to do anything but seeing as your connected and who your partner is you will be safe from any wrong doing as you will also have the AG and the justice minister watching your back never mind Gaffa?

5 months ago

scandal after scandal after scandal and no one is guilty. mafiamalta galore 360 degrees.

Paul Pullicino
Paul Pullicino
5 months ago

Just like in the disability pension fraud, ultimately well placed members of the Labour establishment behind the scam walk off in denial while the little guy, whose vote they bought, ends up betrayed and prosecuted for his part in the lie.

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