Opinion: Keith Schembri was the centre of the web
When I read that Keith Schembri had a fake
Opinion: He’s really lost it
If Rip van Winkle woke up in Malta today,
Keith Schembri to face trial: Inquiry says he pulled the strings, made millions
The trial against those accused of bribery, fraud and
Effetti tal-Inkjesta Vitals: l-avukati tad-DF jirreżenjaw mill-bordijiet tax-Shoreline u l-Convenience Shop
Read in English. Issa li ġew żvelati l-konklużjonijiet tal-inkjesta
Hospitals inquiry highlights government obstruction to protect those investigated
Aqra bil-Malti. While Prime Minister Robert Abela has repeatedly
Thousands join protest following inquiry on hospitals deal corruption
Thousands of people gathered in Valletta today in the
Archbishop silent on charges faced by Curia financial committee member
Aqra bil-Malti. Archbishop Charles Scicluna is refusing to answer
Editorial: The hospitals inquiry is not an electoral choice
Prime Minister Robert Abela pitched the idea to voters
Is-Serqa tal-Isptarijiet: wasal il-mument
Read in English. L-eks prim ministru diżonorat Joseph Muscat
Hospitals Heist: The time has come
Aqra bil-Malti Disgraced former prime minister Joseph Muscat said
Steward faces ‘grave financial distress’ in US, ‘contemplates selling off hospitals’
US-based hospital company Steward Healthcare may soon start closing
Steward Healthcare pursued for $50 million in US rental dues amid year of financial, legal woes
Steward Health Care System is being actively pursued for
Opinion: Keith Schembri is still at it
Aqra din l-opinjoni bil-Malti. On 12 December 2021, Sam
Opinion: Justice is not a witch hunt
Joseph Muscat reacted to the damning court sentence calling
Opinion: Waiting for the magistrate
On 19 June 2016, Ram Tumuluri, standing next to
Police refuse to answer on lack of independent investigation into hospitals deal
The Malta Police Force has failed to answer questions
Crystal Palace FC deal Joseph Muscat was involved in under FA scrutiny
A failed bid to purchase Crystal Palace FC that
Shaukat Ali put on hospitals concession payroll on Keith Schembri’s insistence
Shaukat Ali, a Pakistani businessman considered to be one
Government, Konrad Mizzi lied about €9 million performance guarantee
The government and disgraced former minister Konrad Mizzi had
Robert Abela insists he’s right – Kevin Cassar
Robert Abela announced: “The National Audit Office (NAO) report
Hospitals agreement with VGH vitiated by ‘trade secrets and death threats’
Current and former Cabinet members, including the prime minister
Hospitals Heist: Tumuluri handed over concession after ‘death threats of ending up like Daphne Caruana Galizia’
  Original hospitals deal concessionaire, former Vitals Global Healthcare
NAO finds Muscat-Mizzi-Schembri’s ‘fingerprints’ all over the hospitals’ deal
A third and final investigative report by the National
‘Patients dying in MIU6’ as Steward deal ‘drained all the money’ – nurses union
Malta Union of Midwives and Nurses president Paul Pace
Robert Abela’s false narrative on public hospitals’ deal continues to deceive
Robert Abela is defending Steward Health Care. But he’s
Hospitals scandal: Joseph Muscat shifts blame from him and government to corruption by ‘third parties’
Former prime minister Joseph Muscat, on whose watch the
Caruana Galizia’s 2015 reporting on hospital deal ‘vindicated’, says Foundation as reactions roll in
The judgement rescinding and annulling all three agreements and
Fraudulent: court orders Steward to return hospitals to the people in scathing judgement
The largest ever deal a Maltese government has ever
Verdict drawing close in Delia’s case to have hospitals contract rescinded
The final oral submissions from lawyers in the court

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