Top civil servants confirm Abela wanted a second deal with Steward Healthcare
The three permanent secretaries charged with criminal offences related
Ronald Mizzi used Projects Malta to hide his involvement in decisions on hospitals
Aqra bil-Malti. Permanent Secretary Ronald Mizzi dictated all that
ITS architect fined for bad workmanship in separate Fgura project
Colin Zammit, the owner of  Mosta-based architectural firm Maniera
Permanent Secretary’s Gozitan getaway full-up for Santa Marija
A private business venture set up by Ronald Mizzi,
Konrad Mizzi’s permanent secretary Ronald Mizzi testifies before the PAC
Economy Ministry Permanent Secretary Ronald Mizzi, who served as
The lucky lackey – Kevin Cassar
Konrad Mizzi’s right-hand man, Ronald Mizzi, turned 40 yesterday. 
Konrad Mizzi’s former right hand man will now oversee millions of euros in EU funds
Tista’ taqra l-artiklu bil-Malta hawn. Ronald Mizzi, the permanent
MMA chief Anthony Serracino Inglott forces prime minister’s hand, blocks any possibility of replacement
Anthony Serracino Inglott, the 78-year-old pharmacy professor who has
Minister fuming as MMA Chair’s contract renewed before election
New Active Aging Minister Jo-Etienne Abela is reportedly “fuming”
Labour consolidates hold on public service through permanent secretaries
Barely four weeks after the general elections, the newly-returned
How to hire talent
Warren Buffett, the world’s most successful investor, has his
Emails show how government choreographed media coverage for arrival of Electrogas tanker
Email exchanges seen by The Shift show how communications
NAO report shows ‘usual suspects’ involved in hospitals’ scandal
Disgraced former Minister Konrad Mizzi’s ‘friends’, consultant David Galea,

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