Documents withheld from parliament to hide secret deal with Bonnici Brothers
The government is refusing to reveal the details of
Architects Robert Musumeci and Colin Zammit name-dropped for Barts medical school
While in a meeting with Technoline’s Ivan Vassallo and
Deal reached with Bonnici Brothers over €13 million shooting range debacle
Documents tabled in parliament indicate that the government has
Architect, lawyer, planning consultant Musumeci now advising on pensions too
Robert Musumeci, an architect, lawyer, and recipient of multiple
Marmara, Musumeci get more lucrative government consultancy contracts
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. Labour pollster Vince Marmara and
Eden Leisure Group wants Paranga restaurant illegalities sanctioned
The Eden Leisure Group has filed a Planning Authority
Justice Minister needs help, hands out three contracts for advice
Despite having an army of lawyers at his disposal
Schembri evasive on shelved lawyers’ tender as ex-minister gets more work
Lands Minister Silvio Schembri is refusing to explain why
Lands Authority cancels tender as chosen few keep ‘milking legal fees’
A Lands Authority tender intended to introduce some form
Planning Authority bows to Musumeci and clears major illegalities at Aria club
The Planning Authority has decided to sanction major illegalities
Robert Musumeci brought in to ‘solve’ massive nightclub illegalities
The owner of the Aria Complex discotheque in Iklin,
Malta Chamber of Geologists: ‘people are not protected by the current regulations’
The president of the recently formed Chamber of Geologists
Eye-watering avarice
“There were even occasions when we worked on a
Absolution by the masses
I find myself regularly returning to the subject of
Court strikes down Law Commissioner Antonio Mizzi’s ‘irregular’ development permit
The Appeals Court, presided over by Chief Justice Mark
Encroachment by stealth: speculators quietly gobbling up Malta’s farmland
Three areas historically known for their agricultural, natural, historical
Malta Today co-owner Roger De Giorgio slapped with enforcement order over Gianpula club
Roger De Giorgio, owner of the popular Gianpula club
Keeping things in check #2
We at The Shift were not exaggerating when we
€200,000 in 2 years: Lands Authority direct orders to Musumeci-Schembri firm
Government consultant Robert Musumeci and former Parliamentary Secretary Deborah
Labour lawyers ‘club’ at Lands Authority
All lawyers, with one exception, currently engaged by the
Disinformation Watch #16: The Rule of Law – a fascist reinterpretation
The rule of law is one of those concepts
Debunking the lies: Labour MPs and government officials remain active members in online hate groups
As government, State and Labour Party officials come under
Robert Musumeci’s ODZ approval rate tripled since becoming planning advisor in 2013
Architect and now lawyer Robert Musumeci saw his ODZ

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