Criminally charged mayors increase votes
Two mayors facing criminal charges of misappropriation of public
Government breaks disciplinary code to boost re-election of Rabat mayor
The Office of the Prime Minister has instructed one
Ministers seek to consolidate stronghold in Gozo with local council elections
The competition between three sitting Labour ministers in Gozo
ERA approved the axing of 3,400 protected trees in seven years
Aqra bil-Malti The Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) has
Transport Malta RHIBs tender evaluated in just one day
A 2020 tender issued by Transport Malta to purchase
‘Government biased in treatment of employees facing criminal charges’ – lawyers
The Maltese government is facing accusations of discrimination that
Transport Malta maritime official suspended over corruption racket claims
Tista taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. A senior official at
Transport Malta defies freedom of information order on cost of 5 new defective RHIBs
Transport Malta seems to have trouble providing financial information
Victoria-Marsalforn road project to go ahead despite ‘environmental massacre’
Around 300 mature indigenous trees and the size of
Minister Ian Borg’s illegal swimming pool cannot be sanctioned
The transformation of a field into an entertainment and
Prime Minister challenged to take action on Ian Borg and his illegal pool
The man who took a stand and challenged the
ITS stonewalls information on disgraced permanent secretary’s employment
The Institute of Tourism Studies (ITS) is refusing to
Planning Authority assessing four new development applications in picturesque Għeriexem valley
Three fresh development applications awaiting a recommendation from the
Court unfreezes Evarist Bartolo canvasser’s ‘corruption’ block, despite ongoing criminal case
In a rare and ‘surprising’ decision, Magistrate Donatella Frendo
Encroachment by stealth: speculators quietly gobbling up Malta’s farmland
Three areas historically known for their agricultural, natural, historical
Government plans to uproot some 300 trees for Marsalforn road widening
The government is planning another massacre of hundreds of
Prime Minister’s ‘team member’ given €2 million in direct orders for road works
Matthew Bongailas, 32, from Fgura, who describes himself on
Executing the diabolical
Minister Ian Borg lied in Court. Magistrate Axiak declared
One law for you and no law for them
Can’t convince someone to sell you that piece of
Threats to Daphne Caruana Galizia increased before she died, friends testify
Two close friends of murdered journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia
Beyond the trees: Residents opposing Central Link Project raise alarm on impact on farmers
A total of 47 registered farmers will be affected

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