NAO unaware of shooting range settlement as PAC scrutiny begins
Officials from the National Audit Office (NAO) said they
PAC investigation into Electrogas report diluted, drawn out with unrelated witnesses
An investigation into the contracts awarded as part of
Enemalta chairman inadvertently fact checks Joseph Muscat and Finance Minister at parliamentary committee
Previous testimony by disgraced former prime minister Joseph Muscat
Joseph Muscat claims no need to inform the European Commission of Electrogas’ Security of Supply Agreement
During his fourth appearance before the Public Accounts Committee,
Muscat ‘misled’ European Commission over Socar Security of Supply Agreement
Disgraced former prime minister Joseph Muscat misled the European
Labour MPs want PAC paused until October although Muscat is available
Even though disgraced former prime minister Joseph Muscat has
PAC: Muscat stalls while labeling committee questions ‘outside its remit’
Disgraced former prime minister Joseph Muscat appeared in front
‘I can take you anytime, anywhere,’ Muscat tells Opposition’s PAC chair
Former prime minister Joseph Muscat was in full defence
The stellar Konrad Mizzi – Kevin Cassar
Konrad Mizzi is “stellar”, according to Joseph Muscat. Mizzi
Without fear or favour – Jacques René Zammit
Muscat, disgraced and dishonoured, does not fear arrest. At
‘I am not here to defend anyone’ – Joseph Muscat on Caruana Galizia murder
Disgraced former prime minister Joseph Muscat momentarily digressed from
Kitchen cabinet: Schembri files constitutional case against PAC members
As threatened on Tuesday, disgraced former prime minister Joseph
Keith Schembri’s PAC testimony stalled as constitutional case is to be filed
Joseph Muscat’s former chief of staff Keith Schembri’s third
Why Keith Schembri should remember opening his Panama company
Keith Schembri, former chief of staff of disgraced former
Cabinet swill – Jacques René Zammit
Disgraced former Office of the Prime Minister chief of
Karl Cini maintains silence, PAC questioning suspended until Constitutional Court rules
The Public Accounts Committee suspended a meeting that was
Silence: ‘The mobsters’ choice’
“You see, the mob takes the Fifth – if
Brian Tonna and Karl Cini barred by MFSA but never fined by the FIAU
Accountants Brian Tonna and Karl Cini of Panama Papers
The curious case of those who know nothing
How many times must we witness the very people
Enemalta board members say they were unaware of Castille meeting approving Electrogas bid
During another Public Accounts Committee (PAC) hearing about the
How the PAC’s investigation into Electrogas was derailed
The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) was created to audit
Former chairperson of Enemalta insists board was following recommendations on Electrogas decision
The former chairperson of Enemalta’s board of directors, Charles
Seven witnesses approved for next PAC hearing, call for ruling on police commissioner
In another Public Accounts Committee (PAC) hearing that ended
EXCLUSIVE: Konrad Mizzi’s friend put on €600 a day contract, one week after general elections
One week after disgraced former minister Konrad Mizzi took
Mizzi taken to task by PAC, fails to answer questions over two hour sitting
Disgraced former energy minister Konrad Mizzi spent another two
MTA hands out 200 event sponsorships during pandemic, refuses to name amounts or recipients
Information obtained through a Freedom of Information request filed
Public accounts committee chair decries lack of investigation into MTA sponsorships
Public accounts committee (PAC) chairman and opposition MP Beppe
Court drops Joseph Muscat’s libel suit following three no-shows
A libel suit filed by disgraced former prime minister
Electrogas shareholder Paul Apap Bologna returns to PAC in stormy, dislocated session
A confused, stormy Public Accounts Committee meeting that saw

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