Analysis: Why withholding information erodes trust in law enforcement
On 1 March, the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO)
Refalo, Bonnici maintain silence over stone marker, heritage register proposal
Agriculture Minister Anton Refalo and Heritage Minister Owen Bonnici
Police refuse to answer on lack of independent investigation into hospitals deal
The Malta Police Force has failed to answer questions
Police seen applying two weights and two measures for security guard licences
More people have come forward to highlight the police
Analysis: A closer look at the police force’s ‘efficiency’
Prime Minister Robert Abela chose a recent political event
‘The magistrate turned her guns on us’: Repubblika takes Pilatus case to Constitutional Court
Repubblika filed an application in the Constitutional Court arguing
Scrutiny as ‘attack’: Propaganda’s warped perspective
The reaction by party propagandists to The Shift’s report
Iosif Galea’s two European Arrest Warrants raise more questions than answers
The timing of reports that Malta’s Police issued a
State-sponsored impunity: no action taken against Anton Refalo for possession of protected artefact
Reconfirmed Cabinet minister Anton Refalo, who was revealed by
Police Commissioner still investigating Agriculture Minister
Police Commissioner Angelo Gafa’ is still investigating the discovery
Solving crimes, the Maltese way
Victoria Buttigieg and Angelo Gafa have some explaining to
Police investigation into MCAST ‘jobs for votes’ scandal still ongoing
The police have still not concluded criminal investigations into
Repubblika: ‘we can’t go back to normal as if nothing is happening’
Facing stormy weather and cold winds, activists from NGO
Is Angelo Gafa above the law?
Former police commissioner Lawrence Cutajar threw away the rule
Might I be permitted to ask, Commissioner?
Two cards on the table: I am a friend
Repubblika slams police commissioner for sleeping on international arrest warrant from Pilatus Bank inquiry
Civil society NGO Repubblika today urged police commissioner Angelo

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