Citizens fill Republic Street calling for justice for Daphne Caruana Galizia
The EU cannot be a dangerous place for those
Two years after Daphne Caruana Galizia’s assassination, the world reacts
On the two-year anniversary of the assassination of Daphne
Breaking their rules – Megan Mallia
Guest commentary by Megan Mallia, niece of assassinated journalist
‘Daphne’s legacy in Malta has yet to be secured’ – Pieter Omtzigt
Special Rapporteur Pieter Omtzigt expressed his “deepest admiration and
Justice delayed: Report stresses need for concrete action on journalist’s death
The crucial need for a truly independent and impartial
‘The many assassinations of Daphne’ – Ġorġ Mallia
By Ġorġ Mallia, Head of Department Media and Communications
‘There can be no mercy for those who killed Daphne’ – Harlem Désir
There can be no mercy for those responsible for
Reporters Without Borders returns to Malta to demand justice for Daphne
Guest commentary by Rebecca Vincent, UK Bureau Director, Reporters
Government action serving to ‘cover up’ Daphne’s assassination – John Sweeney
The assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia was a hit
The battle for our minds
Tory Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s strategy, from a position
Daphne Caruana Galizia, two years: schedule of events
A number of events are being organised in Malta
Are Maltese Courts enabling Gordon Debono to launder dirty money?
A Maltese Judge has sanctioned the release of €1.5
Caroline Muscat asks Magistrate to declare Saviour Balzan a liar
The Shift News editor has filed an application requesting
Silvio Schembri did earn ‘almost double’ his income declared to parliament
Parliamentary Secretary Silvio Schembri’s income in 2017 was “almost
The excuse of hindsight, or a vision with foresight?
Joseph Muscat walked up the Auberge de Castille staircase
‘EU needs tools to protect journalists under threat by their own government’
The protection of journalists who are under threat, offering
Human Rights Commissioner calls for action to counter attacks against press
Dunja Mijatović, the Commissioner for Human Rights at the
European watchdog registers threat against media freedom from Prime Minister’s staff
Social media posts by Josef Caruana, an official from
Journalists should be pussycats not watchdogs
The implications of last week’s court decision by Judge
A partial review is worse than none at all
The investigation by Public Standards Commissioner George Hyzler into
Repubblika files new request for an inquiry into Vitals Global Healthcare deal
Civil society organisation Repubblika has filed a new court
US Attorney General in Rome for secret deposition by wanted Maltese professor
The Italian intelligence community had Joseph Mifsud “on their
The future is female, wiping out the past
Joseph Muscat gave a speech at the United Nations
Helena Dalli approved as Equality Commissioner, ‘with reservations’
Helena Dalli has been approved as Equality Commissioner after
A stillborn inquiry
This week British members of parliament railed against their
Government’s attack on Rapporteur Pieter Omtzigt’s credibility ‘a concern’
The Maltese government’s “knee-jerk reaction” to attack the credibility
Igaming companies plan to sue White Flag, ask Maltese government to join
Igaming companies in Malta that together contributed tens of
Mapping Media Freedom registers threat against French journalist in Malta
The threat made against a French journalist filming the
It’s my turn to eat
If you watched it, you’ll remember how you felt

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