Court orders Stagno Navarra to pay his lawyer’s bills
Labour propagandist Karl Stagno Navarra was found guilty of
VGH ‘lobbyist’ ousted from Identity Malta… Marlene Mizzi takes his place
Prime Minister Robert Abela has removed Mario Galea from
Architects Robert Musumeci and Colin Zammit name-dropped for Barts medical school
While in a meeting with Technoline’s Ivan Vassallo and
Cancer treatment project used to siphon off public funds
A multi-million-euro facility aimed at improving the treatment of
Hospitals inquiry highlights government obstruction to protect those investigated
Aqra bil-Malti. While Prime Minister Robert Abela has repeatedly
Tribunal warns Malta Enterprise ‘law not to be used to limit transparency, accountability’
The government agency tasked with attracting foreign direct investment
Disinformation Watch: Framing the Sofia public inquiry narrative
Following the publication of the Jean Paul Sofia public
Sofia inquiry: Despite Malta Enterprise’s ‘incompetence’, chair won’t resign
Malta Enterprise Chairman William Wait will not resign from
Sofia inquiry confirms state’s ‘irregular, incompetent, disrespectful’ deficiencies
A public inquiry into the death of Jean Paul
Details on public land allocated to fish farm conglomerate kept hidden
Economy Minister Silvio Schembri is refusing to disclose how
Public funds issued for Shark Tank TV reality show
Kurt Farrugia, the former spin doctor of disgraced former
Fish farm conglomerate allocated additional public land for expansion
Aquaculture Resources Ltd., a conglomerate formed between Azzopardi Fisheries
Malta Enterprise chief’s rental SUV among scores of direct orders handed out in just six months
Kurt Farrugia – disgraced former Prime Minister Joseph Muscat’s
Former It-Torca editor appointed UNESCO Valletta manager
Over a decade after UNESCO – the world cultural
Malta Enterprise chairman distances himself from Jean-Paul Sofia project approval
William Wait, the chairman of Malta Enterprise, said he
Malta Enterprise chairman holds conflicting roles in 19 companies
Chairman of Malta Enterprise William Wait, responsible for approving
Silvio Schembri’s aide gets a chairmanship on top of INDIS top job
Francois Piccione, the 31-year-old childhood friend of Economy Minister
Farrugia given another three years at Malta Enterprise at €11,000 a month
The spin doctor of disgraced former prime minister Joseph
Malta Enterprise consultant now also ARMS chairperson
Nadia Pace, who currently serves as a consultant to
Malta Enterprise: Labour TV reporter now chief officer, his girlfriend made consultant
A former reporter on Labour’s ONE TV, Anthony David
€1 million in direct orders from Kurt Farrugia at Malta Enterprise
Malta Enterprise CEO Kurt Farrugia approved close to 70
14 government CEOs receive over €100,000 each from taxpayers
Fourteen government CEOs are each pocketing more than €100,000
Development application filed for 60m-high mixed use complex in Smart City
The Smart City project, which was marketed as Malta’s
The great divide: top government salaries in perspective
There have been so many reports of stratospheric six-digit
PA, Wasteserv fail to explain appointment of blacklisted company’s sales director to their boards
More than a week after questions were sent regarding
Saviour Balzan given premises at industrial park for 15 years starting at €1 a month
Business 2 Business Ltd, a company solely owned by
EXCLUSIVE: Konrad Mizzi’s friend put on €600 a day contract, one week after general elections
One week after disgraced former minister Konrad Mizzi took
Soldier fast-tracked to senior rank now leads Identity Malta despite controversy
Mark Mallia – President George Abela’s right-hand man at
Taxpayers fund Steward’s debts on cancer equipment
The government has been forced to top the €90
Miriam Dalli refuses to give parliament information on public cash grants to developers
Energy Minister Miriam Dalli has again refused to reveal

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