‘Nefarious deals’: Keith Schembri’s role in the hospitals’ scandal
Former OPM chief of staff Keith Schembri was well
Panama Papers / 17 Black inquiry must be published – Opposition
Shadow justice minister Karol Aquilina has called for the
‘Money laundering trials set up to fail’
As questions continue to be raised about the millions
What Joseph Muscat had in court was not a heroes’ welcome
Aqra bil-Malti. “Absolutely not guilty,” disgraced former prime minister
Hospitals inquiry highlights government obstruction to protect those investigated
Aqra bil-Malti. While Prime Minister Robert Abela has repeatedly
Opinion: The writing on the wall
“They asked me to comment about the absence of
Deputy Prime Minister resigns ‘with immediate effect’
Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne has resigned as he
Editorial: The hospitals inquiry is not an electoral choice
Prime Minister Robert Abela pitched the idea to voters
Hospitals Heist: The time has come
Aqra bil-Malti Disgraced former prime minister Joseph Muscat said
Opinion: justice under siege
When Robert Abela speaks of his duty as prime
Muscat’s latest attack on inquiry shot down by courts
Disgraced former prime minister Joseph Muscat’s latest court application
Series of attacks on judiciary align to sow doubt ahead of inquiry findings
Prime Minister Robert Abela’s criticisms of the judiciary and
What the inquiry truly revealed – Kevin Cassar
On that fateful December day when a Kordin building
Architect ‘supervised’ building site that killed Jean Paul Sofia via WhatsApp
The architect responsible for the Kordin construction site that
Abela the autocrat – Kevin Cassar
Last Monday, Prime Minister Robert Abela unilaterally overturned a
Opposition calls for Attorney General’s resignation after inquiries debacle
The Opposition this morning called for the resignation of
Sofia inquiry: ‘Clear’ that magistrate did not request an extension – Chamber of Advocates
The Chamber of Advocates has expressed “concern” over Prime
House of mirrors: Vitals, Ciantar and disinformation
The noise surrounding allegations against Carmen Ciantar, coupled with
Pilatus ‘should have investigated and reported’ almost US$100 million in Aliyeva transactions
Financial investigators from Duff & Phelps contracted by the
Banking the unbankable – Kevin Cassar
Robert Abela has nowhere to hide. A 400-page report
Kordin tragedy: PN backs construction victim family’s call for public inquiry
At a press conference convened Thursday morning on the
Repubblika wants answers on false testimony, missing documents
Civil society action group Repubblika wants answers from the
Repubblika demands action after ex-MFSA officials ‘hid Pilatus documents’
Updated to include Repubblika’s information exculpating two MFSA officials named
Suitcases in the night
Frustrated citizens took to the streets again this week
Protest demands action against corruption
The magisterial inquiry on Pilatus Bank finalised more than
Police yet to file charges over employee fatality in Dwejra in March 2021
The police are yet to present charges against senior
Inquiry into Melvin Theuma stabbing still ongoing almost two years on
Almost two years since Melvin Theuma, the state witness
‘Police force facing strong political pressure’ to halt Labour MP prosecutions – Repubblika
Thirty-two months after an inquiry into the hospitals concession
Magisterial inquiry underway into suspected abuse of EU Funds – junior minister in spotlight
Tens of thousands euros in EU and local public

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