Documents withheld from parliament to hide secret deal with Bonnici Brothers
The government is refusing to reveal the details of
WasteServ issues bizarre statement on court drubbing over €600m incinerator
The government entity responsible for waste management has issued
PBS director supplied Robert Abela’s New York tickets
Hamilton Travel, owned by Labour stalwart and PBS board
New cannabis boss, 28, is an associate of prime minister’s brother-in-law
The government has resorted to another partisan appointment, to
Prime minister moves ahead with his ODZ Zejtun property development
Construction work on the prime minister’s latest private property
Lands Minister avoiding reply on Valletta premises squatted by PM
Lands Minister Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi is refusing to give
Company linked to PM positioned to win Enemalta’s ‘temporary’ power plant
United Equipment Company Ltd (UNEC) – a branch of
Prime minister’s brother-in-law receives direct order for unspecified legal services
Prime Minister Robert Abela’s brother-in-law, Albert Zerafa, has been
Prime minister fails to declare wife’s assets as ethics probe begins
Prime Minister Robert Abela has failed to declare his
Robert Abela ‘lied’ to journalists about undeclared Xewkija land – Cassola
Independent politician Arnold Cassola in a press release on
Abela fails to explain discrepancy in personal wealth declarations
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. Prime Minister Robert Abela has
Prime minister’s boutique hotel application receives final sign off from PA
Prime Minister Robert Abela and his wife, Lydia’s application
Prime minister’s mini hotel in Xewkija set for planning approval this week
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. The Planning Authority is this
State buys second luxury SUV for Prime Minister Robert Abela
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. The Office of the Prime
Il-Prim Ministru jikseb biċċa art biex ikabbar il-guesthouse tax-Xewkija
This article is available in English. Il-Prim Ministru Robert
Prime Minister acquires land to expand guesthouse in Xewkija
Tista taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. Prime Minister Robert Abela
Second claim of foul play filed against Maghtab incinerator tender decision
Tista taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. The procurement process led
‘Compromised’ incinerator mega tender challenged over ‘irregularities’
The awarding of one of Malta’s largest ever tenders
Justice minister hires ministerial car from former business associates
Justice Minister Jonathan Attard is leasing his official ministerial
‘No’ for Joe Mizzi’s attempt to turn public land into his front garden
The Lands Authority, responsible for public land administration, has
Prime Minister withdraws application to develop Xewkija guesthouse
Prime Minister Robert Abela and his wife Lydia have
Works on PM’s Gozo guesthouse ongoing despite permit still pending
Construction works on a farmhouse in Xewkija, Gozo, which
Get up and walk – Kevin Cassar
The desperate father pleaded with the master, “Please come
Abela attempts to buy the silence of disgruntled former junior minister
Prime Minister Robert Abela last week tried to temper
The Abelas change Xewkija farmhouse plans into a fully-fledged guest house
Prime Minister Robert Abela and his wife Lydia have
Robert and Lydia Abela: Why? – Kevin Cassar
Former ONE chairman Jason Micallef was absolutely right. “The
Lands Authority refuses to provide contract on PM’s illegal occupation of Valletta office
The Lands Authority has rejected a Freedom of Information
‘No documents’: Tax Commissioner mum on lack of action on PM’s Zejtun property
The Shift has confirmed that the documentation showing the
Abelas converting Xewkija farmhouse into seven double bedroom residence
The Prime Minister and his wife have filed a

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