Court fines Lands Authority for frivolous appeal against The Shift
Sitting in the Court of Appeal, Judge Lawrence Mintoff
Gozitan teacher annexes public playing field to his house
The Lands Authority has not taken action against a
Lands Auditor won’t explain legalising public land grab
Charmaine Muscat, the Lands Authority auditor tasked with flagging
Opinion: The Kappillan of Malta
I found Father Marc Andre Camilleri’s impassionate apologia for
Enforcement on Fortina lido issued after request to sanction
The Planning Authority issued an enforcement notice to halt
Government to enable Anglu Xuereb to regularise illegal Qawra lidos
Aqra bil-Malti The government will be asking parliament to
No investigation of Lands Authority over block of flats built on public land
The government has so far failed to order an
Lands Minister avoiding reply on Valletta premises squatted by PM
Lands Minister Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi is refusing to give
Lands Authority tender to legalise public land takeover after false declarations
The Lands Authority allowed a block of flats to
Majority of government’s 260 leased properties rented since 2018
The vast majority of private properties being leased out
Lands Authority files court challenge in bid to hide contracts, direct orders
The Lands Authority, through its lawyer Vincienne Vella, has
Government acquires last plot of private Birzebbugia land, paving way for mega development
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. A small plot, forming part
Revealed: PM Abela acquired Valletta flat from government for only €3,000
Aqra bil-Malti. Prime Minister Robert Abela and his wife
‘We are not moving from here’ – Villa Frere occupiers tell Lands Authority
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. The Spiteri family, accused by
Government to spend €600,000 on Selmun restoration before privatisation
Taxpayers are set to pay some €600,000 for the
Squatters ordered out as Villa Frere risks collapse
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. A Msida-based scaffolding company has
Architect, lawyer, planning consultant Musumeci now advising on pensions too
Robert Musumeci, an architect, lawyer, and recipient of multiple
Lands minister dismisses use of public land by restaurants in Valletta
Lands Minister Silvio Schembri dismissed concerns over restaurants and
PA inundated with objections over controversial Birzebbuga public land project
The Planning Authority has received more than 300 written
List of public property concessions not of public interest, government says
The government has refused to publish details of public
Government faces backlash in Birzebbuga over development of LPG plant
The government is facing strong opposition from local council
Tourism minister’s family face penalty for running illegal carpark in Mellieħa
Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo’s family, including his father Joseph,
GAP Developments shareholder plans another project on public land in Birzebbugia
One of the main shareholders in GAP Developments, Paul
‘No’ for Joe Mizzi’s attempt to turn public land into his front garden
The Lands Authority, responsible for public land administration, has
It’s a goat farm with no goats, but a ‘store’ that’s a countryside residence
One of the two men accused of causing the
The Shift wins 4 more FOI appeals filed by the government to deny information
The Shift has won another four Court of Appeal
Developer pushes ahead with project for Mellieha green lung
Paul Attard, the secretary general of the Malta Developers
New ‘vote-buying scheme’ launched extending public land concessions
All those occupying government property irregularly through an expired
Prime Minister silent on Lands Minister’s latest conflict of interest
Prime Minister Robert Abela is yet to pronounce himself
Farmer’s eviction confirmed, paving way for ‘compromised’ WasteServ project
A court of appeals decision last week confirmed an

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