Malta still slow to resolve court cases – EU Justice Scoreboard
Malta continues to have some of the longest delays
Opinion: justice under siege
When Robert Abela speaks of his duty as prime
Assange’s ordeal continues as UK court delays verdict
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. Julian Assange will have to
Kuciak and Caruana Galizia ‘were ordinary people doing their job right’ – Karolína Farská
“They were ordinary people doing their job right”, said
Former minister’s daughter reappointed Commissioner for Justice
The youngest daughter of former Justice Minister Jose’ Herrera,
The AG’s cover is blown – Kevin Cassar
Nobody believes Attorney General Victoria Buttigieg – not even
Government’s media experts committee tight-lipped at 18-month mandate’s end
The government-appointed ‘Media Experts Committee’ will be disbanding by
The quest for justice
A young man put up a banner outside parliament
Magistrate Nadine Lia – time to go
Magistrate Lia has no decent option left but to
Getting away with murder
Another 16th has come. Next month marks five years
‘Daphne became a symbol of our resistance’
Shortly before she was assassinated, journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia
Yorgen Fenech indictment ‘result of painful battle, no guarantee of justice’ – Council of Europe report
Persistent delays and administrative obstacles to the judicial process
Ageing without grace
Joseph Muscat turned 48 last week. His 49th-year resolution
Remembering them
On 5 January the mother of Justin Plette posted
The secrets on Keith’s phone
Something’s afoot in the land of misrule. Again. (And
Legal experts slam ‘reprehensible’ new law on court judgements
Two legal experts condemned as “wholly reprehensible” a new
Stalking the messenger: Ending impunity for illegal surveillance  
Guest commentary by Annie Game, Executive Director of IFEX,
Travesties of justice
A few days ago, Justice Minister Edward Zammit Lewis
New Gozo courthouse announced in 2013 still languishing on plan
Eight years after the announcement of the building of
United States’ lead witness against Julian Assange admits to lying in testimony – report
The United States’ lead witness in the case against
Justice through the looking glass
If you want to understand the government’s intent, you
Prison shouldn’t be a death sentence
A young woman died on 4 July. A 29-year
Our measure of justice
Justice should be an important virtue in any society.
Justice is not revenge
The horror of Miriam Pace’s killing at the hands
Unorganized lightning
Amid the myriad shock revelations of a government mired
The tyranny of hypocrisy 
What a nest of venomous vipers Malta is. So
European Parliament sends strong message to Maltese government: ‘End political protection and patronage of murderers’
Members of the European Parliament, including socialists, have adopted
Of core principles and values
Ramona Attard, Labour Party president, regaled us with more

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