‘My dead father was left rotting at Gozo hospital’ – son recounts experience
Aqra bil-Malti The grieving son of a 57-year-old Gozitan
Audit reveals major flaws in health ministry’s vehicle management
An audit by the National Audit Office (NAO) has
Only one bidder for €150 million food tender for government-run hospitals
The government has so far failed to explain how
Carmen Ciantar axed from Foundation for Medical Services by new minister
As Minister Jo Etienne Abela has taken the helm
Mystery over €1 million direct order at EU-funded ‘Hospital for the South’
The new Health Minister, Jo Etienne Abela, has failed
Opinion: Carmen Ciantar’s blood letting
Kim Jong-Il had a supernatural birth upon a sacred
EXCLUSIVE: Nurses’ union boss let ‘off the hook’ despite abuse findings
Senior public officials are concerned over how the government’s
Health ministry spends €6.6 million in half a year on 324 direct orders
The Health Ministry issued a staggering 324 direct orders
GWU ‘profits’ from Gender Wellbeing Clinic, contract confidential
Updated to include the General Workers’ Union reply The
Fearne’s canvasser on a €163,000 salary ordered to make her contract available
Foundation for Medical Services CEO Carmen Ciantar has been
Health Ministry alone has 1,800 private sector employees on the public payroll
Tista’ taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti New information submitted in
Health ministry issues 220 direct orders in six months, 32 for Technoline
The procurement office within the Health Ministry, the Central
Malta to ease travel restrictions despite record Covid cases, spike in deaths
The government is set to ease COVID-19 travel restrictions
One bidder for double the price: controversial tender for cancer treatment facility closes
Tista’ taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti hawn. A controversial €24
Karin Grech staff member: ‘I think about quitting almost every day’
A staff member at Karin Grech spoke to The
Patients say health minister lied about use of mobile showers at Mater Dei Hospital ward
Patients at the MIU6 ward at Mater Dei hospital
Objector demands government scrap ‘tainted’ process for €25 million cancer treatment facility
The Public Contracts Review Board (PCRB) has been officially
‘Tainted’ tender for EU-funded cancer machine published as value more than doubled
A public procurement exercise to acquire an EU-funded machine
FMS plans revealed as Health Ministry denies manipulation of cancer machine procurement
New plans and designs prepared by the Foundation for
Multi-million euro cancer treatment tender being manipulated in favour of ‘preferred’ supplier
Efforts are ongoing at the highest levels of the
Health Ministry gives €36 million in direct orders in 6 months, Franciscans clarify their position
Updated to include a statement by the Province of
How Joseph swindled the nation
“Funds provided by government to Vitals were being channelled
900 pandemic tracers left in the lurch
The government has still not managed to assign duties
€35 million spent on direct orders related to COVID-19
The government has completely rubbished public procurement rules, spending
Health Ministry’s response to journalist ‘a threat to press freedom’
The Health Ministry’s response to a Maltese journalist, in
Health Ministry wants apology from journalist or no further replies given
A journalist who wanted to request an interview with
Former Polidano Group CEO made head of free medicines scheme, no public call
Updated to include comments from the President of the
Gafa’ goes ‘missing’ as he faces court over unlawful payments
Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne and the Chief Medical

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