Carmen Ciantar axed from Foundation for Medical Services by new minister

As Minister Jo Etienne Abela has taken the helm of the health ministry, replacing Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne, Carmen Ciantar’s lucrative contract at the Foundation for Medical Services (FMS) has been terminated.

The Shift had revealed her contract to be one of the government’s highest-paid advisers, enjoying an annual financial package of €163,000 since she was appointed CEO of the FMS.

Ciantar was Fearne’s campaign consultant in his bid for leadership against Prime Minister Robert Abela.

Soon after Fearne became deputy prime minister, he gave his campaign manager a €13,000 a month contract.

The contract was found to be irregular by the NAO.

After The Shift revealed the details of the contract, the prime minister had said Fearne had given him his word that his canvasser’s contract would be revised downwards once it ended.

All persons of trust submit their resignation with general elections or ministerial substitution.

Yet despite general elections in 2022, when Fearne was reinstated as health minister, Ciantar’s contract was reinstated with the same financial package.

Openly defying the prime minister’s orders, Fearne kept his canvasser in her place and re-confirmed her full 13,000-a-month financial package despite his promise to revise her contract.

Fearne pressed on with his defiance when he also gave Ciantar’s daughter, Celine, just 25, a political appointment to sit on an expert medical board deciding which patients would receive overseas medical treatment.

Following last month’s Cabinet reshuffle, Fearne was removed from the health ministry and kicked upstairs as a nominee European Commissioner. He retains his post as deputy prime minister until then.

Now, the new health minister has not renewed Ciantar’s contract. She is expected to leave her post within a few weeks.


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5 months ago

Bang goes a big taxpayer funded salary. Now she will have to get used to what us lesser mortals have to survive on.

5 months ago
Reply to  wenzu

I’m sure they will find a space at the trough for her?

5 months ago
Reply to  wenzu

You don’t think she has now made enough money to retire?

saviour mamo
saviour mamo
5 months ago

It is a situation of revolving doors. One slips out, another one slips silently in.

5 months ago

I guess all Board Chairpersons are persons of trust.
Why then a particular board chairman did not resign , when the Minister was replaced?

Paul Henry Berman
Paul Henry Berman
5 months ago

She did nothing for FMS apart from easing more and more political appointees into the system

5 months ago

U tinqeda b-ta gewwa biex takkwista xi dar antika f’haz-zebbug Malta

Carmelo borg
5 months ago

Prosit ministru ghal inqas il POPLU MALTI IFFRANKA KEMXA FLUS.

Michael Borg
5 months ago
Reply to  Carmelo borg

U int tahseb li mhux se kun hemm xi bazuzlu iehor (b’paga enormi) minn flokha?

5 months ago
Reply to  Carmelo borg

Guy’s why are you acting happy after all that was stolen? If only someone would grow a pair and demand the return of what was stolen.

A. Fan
A. Fan
5 months ago

Well ain’t that a kick in the head for Fearne and his toadies.

But worry not; they’ll soon find another invertebrate who’ll get equally overpaid — and probably then some.

5 months ago

Zgur li hemm xi haga ohra tistennijha. Tinsiex li din ittesserata mal- muvument KORROTT

Watcher of the road
Watcher of the road
5 months ago

Fearne is out. That decision was what Joseph Muscat was pushing for. Now that Fearne has been removed from the Cabinet, Joseph Muscat’s return to power becomes possible.

5 months ago

And she is still not making as much money as Perit Godwin Aguus with his various govt jobs.

5 months ago

She’ll be heading off to Brussels, next.

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