Opinion: Spinning disaster into success
The government has finally published GRECO’s compliance report on
Council of Europe calls for prompt action as Malta fails its latest anti-corruption assessment
Malta has still only satisfactorily implemented four of the
Malta fully implements only 9% of anti-corruption recommendations
Malta has fully implemented only 9% of measures being
Council of Europe wants transparency from judicial watchdog but Malta stalls
The Council of Europe’s Group of States against Corruption
Public inquiry: a year on and only one of 28 key recommendations fully implemented
Although the recommendations of the board of public inquiry
High time for parliament to go full time
Parliament’s 14th legislature, which started in May with Robert
Report calls for implementation of public inquiry recommendations ‘without delay’
The Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation and ARTICLE 19 Europe
Conflicts of interest 101: crucial lessons for Malta’s oblivious politicians
The denials from Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo and Gozo
Robert Abela’s alternate reality on Twitter
Twitter, along with other social media platforms, often forms
The happy fibber – Kevin Cassar
“I am very happy,” Edward Zammit Lewis declared. Had
Echoing concerns: 3 high profile reports on Malta’s rule of law in 2 days
Three analyses on the rule of law in Malta
Compliance in their words
GRECO (the Group of States against Corruption), the Council
COE anti-corruption watchdog says Malta still far from implementing 2019 recommendations
Council of Europe anti-corruption watchdog, GRECO has said that
Anti-corruption measures still lacking – GRECO
The new draft code of ethics for Malta’s members
Progress in anti-corruption recommendations ‘unimpressive’
Malta’s progress in implementing the recommendations by anti-corruption body
Omtzigt backs call for Europol Joint Investigation Team
Special Rapporteur Pieter Omtzigt called on the Maltese authorities
The consequence of Joseph Muscat
Since Joseph Muscat came to power in 2013, with
‘It’s an uphill battle, but it’s possible’
The “positive” meetings with the Maltese government were a
Malta misses European Council hearing on membership obligations
No representatives from the Maltese government attended a hearing
Daphne’s sons send open letter to Council of Europe monitoring committee
The open letter by the Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation
Who said what on The Shift? The 10 most memorable quotes from 2019
1. “The best way to protect journalists is to
Cardona, Scicluna and Mizzi under investigation on hospitals deal
A judge has thrown out an appeal filed by
Our tough man in Castille
It shouldn’t need saying, but it’s part of our
‘Impunity in any society erodes the rule of law’ – GRECO Executive Secretary
Malta needs an overall strategy and coherent risk-based approach
Malta fails to implement all but one Council of Europe recommendation
Malta has failed to implement all but one of
Special Rapporteur Pieter Omtzigt lists reasons why John Dalli is ‘disgraced’
Updated to include John Dalli’s counter-reply. The author of
The race for an EU post: ‘A story of how far Joseph Muscat has fallen’
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat’s performance in a battle for
Reporters Without Borders event to support Council of Europe report on Malta
As the report by the Council of Europe’s Special
‘A prevailing culture of impunity’
The Council of Europe’s report “paints a very worrying
Reporters Without Borders calls for PACE monitoring procedures on Malta
Leading international press freedom organisation Reporters Without Borders (RSF)

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