Comino deckchair concessionaire now also ferry service shareholder
Daniel Refalo, one of the two concessionaires offering the
Sanctioning of La Grotta club resurfaces after Gozo Minister takes over PA
A decade after its initial submission, a planning application
Big business moves in to expand development at Fort Chambray
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. Expansion plans for the further
Court revokes permits for Joseph Portelli flats, already built and sold
The Planning Authority is in a new fix on
Corinthia company given €800,000 direct order to start work on Gozo airstrip
The Gozo Ministry, now also responsible for the Planning
Minister’s man inside PA given €150,000 consultancy by Enemalta
Architect Godwin Agius, a close aide to Planning Minister
Newly-appointed PA board member involved in attempt to bury cave discovered during development
A newly appointed board member of the Planning Authority
Developer seeks sanctioning of illegal Qormi Wolt Market warehouse
According to a Planning Authority enforcement notice, the Qormi
NGO invites Gozo Ministry back to table over controversial Marsalforn road project
Din L-Art Ħelwa Għawdex has called out the Gozo
Minister announces fifth date for opening of Gozo sports centre
The Gozo Ministry has announced that the new multi-million
Majority of government’s 260 leased properties rented since 2018
The vast majority of private properties being leased out
Spanish lawyer paid €111,000 to defend Malta’s EU bird trapping case
The government has hired a top Spanish lawyer, who
Planning Authority ignores recommendations, buys time on Gozo Minister’s driver’s ODZ development
The Planning Authority has postponed a decision on an
One architect behind two thirds of Gozo sheep farm applications, NGOs object
Since mid-2022, the Planning Authority has seen more than
New Gozo Channel ‘vision’ to be announced by end of year
Gozo and Planning Minister Clint Camilleri announced that a
€2.1 million spent on Villa Lauri as project is five years late
A Gozo Ministry project to provide temporary shelter for
Planning Authority turns Gozitan
Gozo Minister Clint Camilleri has replaced five of ten
10 years, millions later, Gozo elderly residence is almost ready
Dar San Guzepp – a new residence for the
PA finally acts on Portelli trucks dumping waste in Mgarr ix-Xini
A part of Mgarr Ix-Xini valley in Gozo, is
Opinion: Aiding and abetting abuse
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti John Borg is the Gozo
Opinion: Labour’s aura of secrecy
Aqra din l-opinjoni bil-Malti. “Falsehood flies, and truth comes
Gozo ministry’s permanent secretary ‘habitually’ abusing procurement rules
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. Gozo’s Ministry Permanent Secretary John
‘Self-employed’ Gozo ministry employee given hundreds of thousands in government contracts
A government employee, who also describes himself as “self-employed”,
Gozo apartment owners risk losses as court declares property illegal following PA blunder
A newly constructed block of apartments in Xewkija, Gozo,
Government to adopt another bird trapping ‘research’ season, despite EU proceedings
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti The ORNIS committee has accepted
More delays at the Gozo Pool as June 2024 is new target date
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti The opening of the long-awaited
Gozo minister’s driver files new application for ‘garage’ on idyllic ODZ plot
Ronnie Camilleri, the driver of Gozo Minister Clint Camilleri,
Gozo home set to open in 2024 will return to the Church in 7 years after taxpayers fork out millions
The government will be throwing away more than €30
Gozo Minister’s sister made ambassador to the Council of Europe
Gozo Minister Clint Camilleri’s sister Francesca Camilleri Vettiger has
Minister says tender for fourth Gozo ferry now to be published by September
The Greek owners of the 35-year-old MV Nikolaos, which

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