‘Urgent’ health and safety legislation left idle for a year
Prime Minister Robert Abela’s sudden urgency to reform the
Pride in the republic, really?
Shortly after Queen Elizabeth II passed away, we heard
Malta: a pseudo-democracy
Britain’s chaotic exit from the EU. Putin’s war in
Scrutiny and standards go hand in hand
Criticism is for has-beens, accountability is for fools, and
A Kama Sutra of a political programme
I must have missed the thunderbolt that struck Robert
The big manifesto crunch: what are parties in opposition proposing?
In the interest of preserving The Shift’s role as
Deeds not words
Prime minister Abela bragged, “We are not afraid of
Why are we denied good administration?
Why is it that everything the government touches turns
Malta scores below regional average in new rule of law report
Malta has ranked below the regional average in every
Bluster out of weakness 
Every time Robert Abela states that he has shown
The ruin of dishonesty
“We didn’t deserve it”. “Only three countries wanted us
Private opulence amid public squalor
Publice egestas, privatim opulentia – public squalor, private opulence
The cabal matters, not the ‘Kitchen Cabinet’
Ten years ago, our public discourse was exercised by
Breaking news shouldn’t break us
“It is institutions that help preserve decency. They need
Inglourious Custards
Courage is one virtue you can’t fake. That’s why
Restoration won’t fix flawed democracy
It’s easier to gain five kilos than to lose
Egrant: ‘The most expensive cover up in Malta’s political history’
You won a difficult battle in court and gave
Ask what you can do for your country
A lot of us have spent over three years
Our tough man in Castille
It shouldn’t need saying, but it’s part of our
Land of contradictions
The United States has often been called the “land
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