UN tells Malta to take concrete steps to implement Caruana Galizia public inquiry
Several countries have urged Malta to take concrete steps
Court fines Lands Authority for frivolous appeal against The Shift
Sitting in the Court of Appeal, Judge Lawrence Mintoff
Cost of state-sponsored ‘Siggu’ to remain secret while biennale costs challenged
Heritage Malta refuses to state how much it paid
Gozo Ministry blocks information on Nadur road project
Gozo Minister Clint Camilleri has instructed ministry officials not
Details on allocation of millions to PBS programmes soon to be revealed
The Shift has won a major challenge that will
Opinion: Abela’s biggest threat
Robert Abela can’t hide his authoritarian instincts. He was
Court agency says it is has no documents on court experts’ payments
Information on how members of the judiciary select court
Lands Authority files court challenge in bid to hide contracts, direct orders
The Lands Authority, through its lawyer Vincienne Vella, has
IDPC tribunal rules in favour of the Shift, throws out remaining FOI appeals
The Maltese government has lost the remaining appeals it
Health minister denies FOI request: doctors’ salaries ‘not in the public interest’
A collective agreement regulating the work conditions of some
Tourism ministry changes stance on ‘free’ Man United tickets
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo’s ministry
Wasteserv paying €2 million a month for outsourced workforce, including One TV journalist
The government’s waste management agency – Wasteserv – is
OPM forced to publish Cabinet Secretary Ryan Spagnol’s contract
The Office of the Prime Minister has been forced
Government’s official website wipes out all information on key appointments
The government’s official website, www.gov.mt, has wiped out all
The Shift wins another FOI appeal case, bringing total court victories to 11
The Shift on Wednesday won another in its long
Air Malta denies Cassola’s FOI on PS Chris Bonett’s seating pandemonium
Air Malta has denied a Freedom of Information request
David Casa takes The Shift’s FOI battle to the Commission in letter to VP Jourová
MEP David Casa has called on the European Commission
Reporters Without Borders urges government to publish FOI study
Reporters Without Borders has urged the government to publish
Appeals Court rules all EU citizens can submit FOI requests to the government
In a landmark ruling, Malta’s Court of Appeal has
Government rushes to appeals court as The Shift wins more FOI tribunal cases
Government entities this week rushed to the Court of
‘Climate for freedom of information in Malta has deteriorated’ – RSF
The default position for Freedom of Information (FOI) should
Abela’s tax on information
Anything too stupid to say, said Voltaire, must be
‘Access to information should be recognised as one of the main pillars sustaining media freedom’
Accessing information held by public authorities is not always
PBS taxpayer funding reports nowhere in sight as Owen Bonnici, PBS remain silent
Questions surrounding the existence of obligatory annual reports by
Appeals Tribunal rules in favour of international NGO, extends the right to information to non-residents
The Information and Data Protection Appeals Tribunal has ruled
Saviour Balzan given premises at industrial park for 15 years starting at €1 a month
Business 2 Business Ltd, a company solely owned by
Court agency breaches law, refuses to give details on court experts
The Court Services Agency is blocking information on the
PEN Malta latest press freedom group to support The Shift’s fight for public information
Freedom of Expression advocacy group PEN Malta are the

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