Maltese tenor wants to keep Malta taxpayer support secret
Acclaimed Maltese tenor Joseph Calleja wants to prevent the
Opinion: Taxpayer funding of the Labour Party’s campaigns
In July 2023, Nationalist Party MP Julie Zahra asked
Johann Grech presents no invoices for €4 million spent on film festival
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti Malta’s Film Commissioner Johann Grech
Film Commissioner Johann Grech gets €90,000 raise amid mounting scandals
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti Prime Minister Robert Abela has
No answers on film festival spending despite 24 parliamentary questions
Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo and Film Commissioner Johann Grech
It is so transparent that it can’t be seen
On 28 September, the United Nations and other international
Film commissioner’s cashback rules sideline local crews and spending
The Malta Film Commission’s 40% cash rebate scheme for
Information on the film commissioner’s latest spending spree blocked
The government has blocked a Freedom of Information request
PBS director breached code of ethics by taking Mediterrane Film Festival job
Pablo Micallef was recruited by direct order for a
Lawyers of Keith Schembri, Rosianne Cutajar get film commission retainer
Lawyers defending the disgraced former prime minister’s chief of
No elections, no film awards
Film Commissioner Johann Grech refuses to reply to questions

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