Indian files rogue development application to sanction Portelli’s illegal penthouses
Aqra bil-Malti The Planning Authority is evaluating the possibility
Work on massive Villa Rosa project starts despite ongoing appeal
Heavy machinery, trucks, bulldozers, and an army of foreign
No planning law reform a year after prime minister’s commitment
Aqra bil-Malti It’s been over a year since Prime
Gaffarena loses ‘breach of human rights’ case on illegal development
Aqra bil-Malti Mark Gaffarena – the person at the
Mistra Village encroachment on roads a ‘safety necessity’ – local council
The construction of a boundary wall surrounding the former
Court rulings force Planning Authority to revoke permits after years of inaction
In the past ten years, 17 development permits approved
Long-promised ban on construction works under appeal to be discussed
The government is launching a public consultation process ahead
Mistra site boundary walls dismantled as works hasten ahead of EPRT review
Works at Mistra Village, Xemxija, to develop a nine-storey
Prime minister mum on reform to halt construction works under appeal
Prime Minister Robert Abela has refused to answer questions
Summer construction ban amended to allow for Mistra Village development
The Malta Tourism Authority and Building and Construction Authority
Xemxija residents under ‘constant stress’ as Mistra Village works continue
Ongoing excavation works at the Mistra Village site in
Graffitti ‘disappointed but pursuing further legal action’ after court ruling
The court decided against an appeal raised by eight
PM to replace PA chairman as cull of Muscat connections continues
Martin Saliba, who in 2019 was appointed as Planning
Planning Authority mulling over sanctioning illegal hotel development in Sliema
A Sliema hotel fraught with construction illegalities – such
How commercial interests gnawed away at your public space in Valletta
St John’s Square and Merchants Street in Valletta used
The Valletta Green(washing) Festival and other fairy tales
As humanity faces the ever-present threat of climate change
First impressions: the governing party’s raft of electoral promises
In another instalment of The Shift’s 2022 elections series,
Green light for petrol station expansion on agricultural land in Marsascala
Marsascala is set to lose more agricultural land as
New road at the centre of a 3 week protest in Dingli opens door for development application
A plot of agricultural land near a hotly-contested area
Conservationists propose EPRT decision review mechanism
A series of decisions by the Environment Planning Review
Joseph Portelli asks Planning Authority to sanction illegal excavation works in Qala
In the latest twist in a long-running saga, Gozitan
Dingli quarry has pending appeals from two decades ago, operates with impunity
A quarry on the outskirts of Dingli in which

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