Opinion: Malta’s ignored ecological grief
Malta is in the grip of an epidemic of
Council u-turns on Mosta tree transplanting, debacle ‘represents larger issue’ – Graffitti
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. Mosta Mayor Chris Grech announced
Wardija works create eyesore in picturesque ‘high value’ valley
Works on two adjacent parcels of land at Wied
€400,000 a year for Miriam Dalli canvassers, in breach of OPM rules
Minister Miriam Dalli has already put eight of her
Malta needs to find at least €48 million to close environmental financing gap
Malta will need to scrape together another €48 million
The largest manifesto on record, stripped of the fluff: the essence of Labour’s proposals
After nine years of high-profile scandals, dozens of resignations
Manifestos vs voter concerns: does the PN square up?
In the context of yet another election dominated by
Stakeholders put forward their election demands
As the 2022 general elections campaign is in full
The scourge of twisted logic
A photo of what Xlendi will look like when
Robert Abela at COP26 – a far cry from Censu Tabone, the man who put climate change on the UN agenda
Thirty-two years ago, Vincent “Censu” Tabone, Malta’s then foreign
Calls for action at COP26 after 1005 climate defenders murdered since 2015
A group of environmental and human rights activists came
Pollution, greed and rude locals – why Malta’s expats are leaving
Construction, pollution and rubbish, “obscene” rental costs and unwelcoming
Mellieha Bay to suffer ‘major negative impact’ from new hotel project, EIA report says
A proposed redevelopment of the iconic Mellieha Bay Hotel
From cranes to craniums
Our minister of finance, Clyde Caruana, is back with
The unexpected return of the NIMBY voter
Beyond the world of polls and surveys where Labour
Keeping things in check #4
August is usually a slow month for most but
‘Immediate action needs to be taken’ to safeguard Malta’s woodlands from climate change droughts
As Malta swelters under soaring temperatures far above the
Malta’s ecological resource supply puts it among 20 worst countries in the world
Malta’s rate of consumption of natural resources has outpaced
Local councils in the dark over designation of camping sites in Armier and Bahar ic-Caghaq
Two local councillors from Mellieħa and Naxxar confirmed that
Valley roads
“They had come to the desolation that lay before
The Shift’s investigation forced government to terminate contract with White Flag scam, Gozo minister admits
Gozo Minister Clint Camilleri has confirmed that the government
Malta receives a whole raft of warnings from the European Commission
As international media organisations welcomed action by the European
Critical thinking for critical times
Eighty-seven per cent of voters said they have always
Minister of Concrete on the Isle of Cement
“The tree which moves some to tears of joy
NGOs cheer ‘victory for nation’s skyline’ as Ombudsman acts to remove Palumbo oil rigs
The Three Cities skyline from Valletta may soon be
‘A selfish act’: Citizens protest against government granting public land to hunters
Activists gathered at Castille Square, in front of the
Labour’s pandering to hunters and trappers may backfire
Saturday’s protest in front of the Prime Minister’s office
Anger management
You must wonder what the breaking point is. I

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