EXCLUSIVE: Schembri used fake email to manipulate Electrogas negotiations
Aqra bil-Malti At a Glance: Keith Schembri testified under
Fact-checking Malta’s delegation to UN committee – Daphne Foundation
In a statement today, The Daphne Foundation fact-checked what
Zammit Lewis not fit for European Court of Justice, Repubblika tells committee
Edward Zammit Lewis is not fit to occupy the
Opinion: Abela never learns
David de Pape was condemned to 30 years imprisonment. 
Owners of ‘Panama Papers’ firm linked to Malta face money laundering trial
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. On Monday, a Panamanian court
Opinion: Labour’s escape route for criminals
Just before Christmas, the government rushed through parliament a
European Parliament adopts media freedom law but concerns on spyware remain
The European Union’s Media Freedom Act (EMFA) was approved
Disinformation Watch: Framing the Sofia public inquiry narrative
Following the publication of the Jean Paul Sofia public
Opinion: The depravity of despots
“Hundreds of flowers and candles laid to honour the
Lack of editorial independence, ‘problematic’ party media main issues in Malta’s media landscape
The most serious issue facing Malta’s media freedom landscape
Malta crowned ‘SLAPP country of the year’ for abusive, deterring lawsuits
Media freedom NGO Coalition Against SLAPPs in Europe (CASE)
Citizens, civil society call for Melita pipeline to be dropped ahead of EU funding vote
Over 1,000 Maltese citizens and 14 NGOs have signed
Maltese, Italian prime minister drop out of Libya energy summit
Prime Minister Robert Abela and his Italian counterpart Giorgia
Malta government hires UK PR firm Digitalis to ‘manage’ online reputation
The government has engaged reputation management company Digitalis, which
Steward Healthcare pursued for $50 million in US rental dues amid year of financial, legal woes
Steward Health Care System is being actively pursued for
Malta PM to address fossil-fuel heavy Libyan summit amid EU criticism over renewables, climate
Prime Minister Robert Abela is set to speak at
Council of Europe committee sees ‘no need for action’ on media, despite government delays
The Council of Europe’s committee of ministers “sees no
Malta asked to step up media freedom reforms, protection as it assumes OSCE chair
As Malta assumed the rotating chairmanship of the Organisation
When Malta made international headlines for all the wrong reasons
Aqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti. The year that has just
Opinion: Labour’s aura of secrecy
Aqra din l-opinjoni bil-Malti. “Falsehood flies, and truth comes
Alfred Zammit appointed FIAU director despite track record
Alfred Zammit, former deputy director at the Financial Intelligence
‘The fight for justice does not have a season’: 74 months on, vigil commemorates Daphne
The monthly vigil for truth and justice held on
Europe’s new media freedom law set to cause problems in Malta
European Parliament and Council negotiators agreed on Friday on
Opinion: The thin-skinned president
President George Vella had one last opportunity to show
The Shift for IPI: Future of Malta’s journalism, freedom of expression rests on hope of reform
While the Maltese government pats itself on the back
Malta slammed for lobbying for spyware use on journalists amid mounting media freedom failures
The Maltese government’s lobbying to allow legal surveillance of
Opinion: Freezing this Christmas
Daphne Caruana Galizia famously broke the news about the
European Parliament raises fresh concerns on rule of law
During a European Parliament discussion on Monday on the
Parliamentary speech highlights need for ‘action’ in reform for journalists’ protection
In a parliamentary speech on Wednesday morning, Opposition MP
Key information about FOI Act omitted in letter to Council of Europe
Justice Minister Jonathan Attard sent a letter to the

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