Man behind Malta data centre scam exposed by The Shift arrested in India
Aqra bil-Malti The man behind what can only be
Ronald Mizzi used Projects Malta to hide his involvement in decisions on hospitals
Aqra bil-Malti. Permanent Secretary Ronald Mizzi dictated all that
‘I can take you anytime, anywhere,’ Muscat tells Opposition’s PAC chair
Former prime minister Joseph Muscat was in full defence
Disgraced former Attorney General Peter Grech gets a 10% raise
Disgraced former Attorney General Peter Grech has been given
Karl Cini maintains silence, PAC questioning suspended until Constitutional Court rules
The Public Accounts Committee suspended a meeting that was
Brian Tonna and Karl Cini barred by MFSA but never fined by the FIAU
Accountants Brian Tonna and Karl Cini of Panama Papers
‘No longer fit and proper’: Zenith directors barred from financial services
Matthew Pace and Lorraine Falzon of Zenith Finance infamy
Keith Schembri is back in business
A few days ago, Keith Schembri, the chief of
Clues for the clueless
If only we had some clues about Joseph Muscat,
Treasury issues €252,000 in direct orders to former Nexia BT partner
Anita Aloisio, until 2017 was one of four partners
Konrad Mizzi mum on how he met Yorgen Fenech
Disgraced former energy minister Konrad Mizzi did not provide
Mizzi taken to task by PAC, fails to answer questions over two hour sitting
Disgraced former energy minister Konrad Mizzi spent another two
Malta-licensed gambling company founded on takings from 200,000 cyber scam victims – report
A Malta-licensed gaming company has been highlighted as potentially
Audit firms rubbish Brian Tonna’s claim they shared Castille offices
Malta’s largest audit firms rubbished claims made by Nexia
Birds in the hand…
Should suspected criminals, arrested and charged in court, be
NexiaBT 4 granted bail
Nexia BT partners Brian Tonna and Karl Cini were
Schembri’s deliberately tangled mess
The compilation of evidence in the case of Keith
Bail denied again for NexiaBT 4
Magistrate Donatella Frendo Dimech has denied bail to four
Nexia BT in the dock
The first hearing in a compilation of evidence against
No charges yet in sight despite police ‘show’ and leaks
As the mainstream media are being drip-fed leaks by
‘I choose not to respond’ – Brian Tonna and Karl Cini tell Inquiry Board
Nexia BT’s Brian Tonna and Karl Cini remained tight-lipped
Parliamentary Secretary for Citizenship Alex Muscat fails to explain income from Nexia BT
Alex Muscat, parliamentary secretary for citizenship, has failed to
Accountancy board slammed by judges over lack of action against Nexia BT
Judges grew increasingly frustrated with Accountancy Board Chairman Peter
Complex court battle looms as probe into Keith Schembri is in final stretch
The trickle of information over the past week on
Water Services Corporation gives €65,000 in direct orders to Nexia BT
Nexia BT, the company subjected to the court freezing
Sorry, we don’t do diligence here
They say it takes a thief to catch a
MFSA takes action on Brian Tonna’s companies following court order
The Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) has issued two
EXCLUSIVE: Leaked report shows Malta Enterprise knew past of Streamcast ‘investor’ who left trail of debt behind
A due diligence report commissioned by Malta Enterprise had
Nexia BT’s licence to sell passports suspended
Brian Tonna’s Nexia BT licence to sell passports has
Conclusions on Hillman-Schembri ‘graft’ inquiry expected shortly
Legal problems connected to disgraced former Prime Minister Joseph

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