Not ‘business as usual’ in Valletta
Labour MP Robert Abela thinks that the ongoing regular
‘The only support Daphne had was from her readers’ – Michael Vella
Updated with the testimony of Daphne Caruana Galizia’s family
Prime Minister still pulling all the strings of power
The Council of Europe’s Venice Commission – officially known
Seize the moment
Sunday afternoon turned out to be quite surreal. As
A living Constitution, a petrified President
I am still bewildered by the President’s inaction, by
UPDATED: Blockade at the Prime Minister’s Office for Joseph Muscat to resign
Activists from civil society group Moviment Graffiti blocked the
Anger at Prime Minister using civil rights card to cover up wrongdoing
Valletta was once again packed with thousands of people
Blame the system, not just the crooks
With the spotlight on the rot surrounding Joseph Muscat,
Exporting fraud: How a scam on public hospitals in Malta reached the poorest, most corrupt European countries
The model for the privatisation of Malta’s public hospitals
Constitutional abuse, again
Guest commentary by Mark A. Sammut The situation is
Europe is worried about Joseph Muscat
This week’s European Parliament delegation’s urgent fact-finding mission to
Labour’s labour currency
Melvin Theuma’s letter of insurance that appeared in The
The tip of the iceberg
Emotions are running very high. The gravity of the
Protest moves to police headquarters
Protests calling for the resignation of Prime Minister Joseph
The failed state of the man who would be il-Kink
Malta’s democracy looks like someone in the last stages
Caruana Galizia family pushed back as EP delegates arrive to meet PM
There was a heavy police presence at Castille Square
Parliament under siege as protestors turn the tables on MPs
Citizens gathered in front of parliament again on Monday
In the name of the people… Go!
In one of Malta’s darkest weeks, as Europe (and
Malta’s cry for justice
Thousands of people took to the streets of Valletta
‘The Maltese can get through this stronger, prouder than before’ – Omtzigt
The sudden, unexpected release without charge of the Prime
If Muscat won’t bail out, he must be pushed
After a tumultuous week, it is evident that Joseph
Will the public mood bring down Labour?
The Prime Minister’s haggard demeanour on Friday at 3am,
Malta’s crisis of democracy
Castille Square was a sea of flags as thousands
Cardona, Scicluna and Mizzi under investigation on hospitals deal
A judge has thrown out an appeal filed by
Yorgen Fenech presidential pardon denied after six-hour Cabinet meeting
Joseph Muscat’s Cabinet was summoned to Castille for an
The battle for the soul of the country
Joseph Muscat clings to power under increasing pressure from
Joseph Muscat’s fight for survival
There’s a hole in the space where Joseph Muscat’s
‘Governments should be afraid of their people’
As concerned citizens gathered in Valletta for the seventh
‘Political resignations are not enough’ – Reporters Without Borders
International press freedom organisation Reporters Without Borders (RSF) demanded
‘Time for national unity’
Opposition Leader Adrian Delia’s decision to cancel the PN

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