Smart City: Latest CEO departs as master plan revision suspended
Smart City Malta Ltd, the Dubai government company given
Education Minister won’t say how many students AUM has: ‘It’s a private entity’
Education Minister Clifton Grima is once again being cagey
Clubs concerned as AUM eyes Kordin Sports Complex for dorms and facilities
The controversial American University of Malta is now eyeing
Education regulator stepped down shortly after AUM licence renewal
The chairman of the Malta Further and Higher Education
Auditor General asked to investigate Sadeen’s 47c per square metre land grab
The Auditor General has been formally requested to investigate
Education minister once again evasive on how AUM was granted a new licence
Education Minister Clifton Grima has once again chosen to
Previously hidden audit confirms AUM’s dismal performance
An independent audit on which the Malta Further and
Misleading of Parliament reported to standards commissioner’s office
Independent political candidate Arnold Cassola has called on the
Audit allowing AUM’s licence to be extended remains under wraps
A government entity responsible for issuing the latest five-year
When the green’s gone, build on the blue
It isn’t enough to fill every remaining green space
Tailspin – Kevin Cassar
Time flies when we’re having fun. The gap between
AUM to be sold public land despite breach of licence conditions
The owners of the failed American University of Malta
Opposition MP publishes secret agreement between Keith Schembri and AUM’s Sadeen Group
Updated to include Karol Aquilina’s statement During a stormy
Opposition objects to AUM land swap negotiated by Prime Minister Robert Abela
The Opposition is objecting to the negotiations made by
EXCLUSIVE: Scandalous deal as Robert Abela hands AUM public land at 47c per square metre
Tista’ taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti hawn. The government has
EXCLUSIVE: Government forced to concede to Dubai in Smart City concessions over AUM deal
Tista’ taqra dan l-artiklu bil-Malti hawn. The Dubai government,
Joseph Muscat’s legacy of failure
As disgraced former prime minister Joseph Muscat pulls strings
Zonqor AUM swap is ploy to save failed project
Prime Minister Robert Abela’s announcement that the government will
Tribunal turns down Marsascala pool appeal, in line with secret deal reached in Castille 
The Environment and Planning Review Tribunal today rejected a
Muscatonomics and Abela
It’s the season of second waves. First, COVID-19; now,
Freedom Day: what freedom?
Forty-one years ago today, the British Navy withdrew from
Defending precious spaces of Cospicua
On Sunday morning, residents of Senglea and Cospicua braved
American university stalls deal with AUM over concerns
An agreement between the American University of Malta (AUM)
Former AUM staff member says project was ‘designed to fail’
A former staff member of the American University of
Smoke and mirrors: The personal account of an AUM staff member
This is a guest post by a former staff
PN councillor resigns from Party
Nationalist Party councillor Charlot Cassar yesterday cut his ties
‘I really doubt whether it’s truly a university’ – former AUM faculty member
A former faculty member at the American University of
Government’s own projections show Sadeen will breach AUM contract
On 14 December 2015 Parliament held a marathon session
Eight planning decisions to watch out for in 2018
DB’s City Centre project The PA will be considering
Hands off our public university
Lovin Malta picked on a crucial aspect of the

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