Equality Ministry declines to comment on Farrugia remarks on shamed police officer
A spokesperson for Equality Minister Helena Dalli has refused
Plugging the big ODZ loophole
The Partit Demokratiku is presenting a private members bill
Lawyer says law regulating travel insolvency fund ‘breaks the spirit of data privacy’
The client information which travel agents are being required
Revitalising political engagement among youth
The youth are growing accustomed, if not sick, of
A head-butt and Malta’s most feminist government
Home Affairs Minister Michael Farrugia yesterday defended Mario Tonna,
A good move by the PN on Zonqor
The motion calling on government to revoke the deed
Eight planning decisions to watch out for in 2018
DB’s City Centre project The PA will be considering
Two new floors proposed on protected Paceville townhouse
Two new storeys are being proposed on one of
Wealth is not reaching those who need it most
In his customary New Year speech Prime Minister Joseph

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