All the way to Berlin: Calls for justice five months since Daphne’s assassination

Activist group Il-Kenniesa has teamed up with German NGO PixelHELPER to project calls for justice for Daphne Caruana Galizia on the facade of Malta’s German embassy on Thursday evening, five months since the journalist was assassinated in a car bomb outside her home.

“Our government has constantly disregarded the people fighting for justice… instead it has done everything it can to cast Daphne’s assassination in the shadows. But we will continue to shed light on [Prime Minister] Joseph Muscat’s responsibility in Daphne’s assassination,” the activists said in a statement.

Il-Kenniesa criticised the government for continuing to act with impunity and drew a contrast with developments in Slovakia following the murder of journalist Jan Kuciak and his girlfriend in their home in February.

Three Slovak ministers, including the country’s prime minister, have resigned in the weeks following the murder. In Malta, no member of the government has carried any political responsibility for the assassination.

‘Five months! Europe is waiting,’ was the message accompanying a picture of the Maltese journalist.

Last month, Il-Kenniesa activists projected the phrases ‘House of Impunity’ and ‘Who Killed Daphne’ onto the Prime Minister’s Office at Castille.

Il-Kenniesa said that human rights activist group PixelHELPER offered to help because they were “shocked by the way the [Maltese] government was handling the Caruana Galizia case”. PixelHELPER uses art and light as a form of protest on human rights issues. Their previous work focused attention on Turkey, where the rights of journalists and activists are often violated.

Meanwhile, the banners that have appeared on Malta’s roads every 16th of the month since her assassination again drove the message home: ‘Who killed Daphne?’

who killed daphne caruana galizia

A vigil will be held at her memorial in front of the law courts in Valletta on Friday at 6.30pm. It will be followed by an event at Castille Square organised by #occupyjustice with the name ‘The People’s Playlist’.


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