Proposal to enshrine environmental protection in Constitution ‘sounds great, means nothing’
The government’s proposal to enshrine environmental protection in the
New venture launched to focus on ‘those in danger of neglect’
A new venture in corporate social advocacy has been
UPDATED: European Commission considering law to protect journalists
Updated to include the statement by MEP David Casa
Slovakia tries to tackle its demons while Malta stalls
Journalists across Europe are questioning relations between shady business
Burn out: Incineration was a problem then as it is now
Former Resources Minister George Pullicino is gloating on social
The Paceville monster needs to be confronted
The news that a 24-year-old man died early on
The rise of the far-right in Europe
In my life I’ve seen Europe go through massive
Charles Miceli: An ambassador of the most vulnerable 
The sudden death of Charles Miceli has shocked many
The world outside
There is a world outside Malta, though perhaps you

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