How much does Malta have to give?
Malta has a racism problem, and nothing is being
Casa calls for end to cash-for-passports following fifth arrest of Maltese citizen
David Casa, Quaestor and Maltese Member of European Parliament,
The big pay off: A key hidden investor in Vitals Global Healthcare
One man is at the centre of all the
What will make them listen?
The dust is settling after a week of collective
Four people charged with Slovak journalist Jan Kuciak’s murder
Four people have been charged with the murder of
Human Rights Commissioner ‘worried’ about excessive use of force by police
The Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of
International pressure essential for journalists’ protection
Human rights, anti-corruption and media freedom organisations called on
‘Strong condemnation’ of Turkish air strike that killed two journalists in Syria
International press freedom organisations have strongly condemned the apparent
Identity Malta and Hitchens’ Razor
The late Christopher Hitchens, scourge of humbuggery, once formulated
Judicial schizophrenia
Justice Joanne Vella Cuschieri has ruled that Malta Enterprise’s right

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